Committing Murder....
Is it wrong if I murder my scales? Aren't there some Corrections Officer's on the board
??? Gisselle- are you out there? What's the worst penalty that I can receive? Wait, if you tell me that might make it premeditated....then the penalty could increase? Sandy - how bad is Bryce REALLY? Could it be considered temporary insanity??
I am so DAMN tired of that little black thing running my life.
I'm thinking the perfect end is drowning it in the bathtub until the little digital numbers start getting weak and then bringing it out and finishing it off with the sledgehammer.
What do you all think? I want it to be PAINFULL. Any thoughts?
I know, I'm a sick twisted individual......just feeling kinda goofy today. But really I am SICK of the damn thing.
Love ya'll
-114 (even though the stupid black box says only -110 today)

I call Bryce "the pits of hell". It is far worse than "Girl Interrupted". If you havent seen it, rent it. It is a good movie but very mild compared to reality.
I killed my scales the night before surgery. I gained 6 pounds on my last meal feast, which lasted 2 weeks, so I threw the thing in the trash. Ive since bought some more
and I avoid them like the plauge.
I havent eaten today, and I guess I need to go raid the cabinets or fix me a shake. I guess it will be shakes for today and tonight so I can get in my protein. I have no appetite for anything the last few days, maybe I should weigh today
nah, Im gonna wait and do it on the 4th of the month.

That's definitely premeditated. But, if you have no witnesses and leave no evidence....
I actually love my scale. I have fun with it. Like I'll weigh on a full bladder, pee, and then weigh again just to see how much I pee'd. I know, weird, huh? I started freaking out a coupla weeks ago when I gained 12 pounds in under 2 weeks. But I got off the birth control and the weight is coming off again. Scales can be your friend. You just have to have a healthy outlook.
Remember, leave no evidence!