What's Up with this Board?
No one is posting.....
Where are all of you guys? In the hospital with Linda? I hope everyone is doing well.
My husband and I bought a new motorcycle Thursday and we are having a good time in between rain showers. Got my Jeep back from the shop Friday after almost of month of it being in a shop for work on it after my wreck. I'm so glad my baby is home.
Has anyone heard from Linda? Or Dixie? Just wondering. Haven't seen any updates and can't get ahold of Dix thru email.
Much love to all of you,

........trying to land a new job, which Im just waiting on confirmation from the head nurse and the HR department, THEN I can turn in my notice
I am lighting candles and staying positive this can and will happen tomorrow!
I wont be around as much. This job is farther than my current job, so I have a little distance and will have to leave earlier and if I get in school for the winter quarter I may just be sticking my head in every chance I get. I hate it, but I have to improve my finances and this sure beats working 2 jobs. I cant get overtime where I am at currently and should get all I want at the new job. Less work, no more 7 day stretches and more $$$$$$$.. I dont know why I waited so long to look!..
Congrats on the mortorcycle, ya'll just be careful. I know all too well how dangerous they are from OTHER drivers not paying attention, but they can be enjoyable too. My husband is an enthusiast and is getting ready for a bike rally that is coming soon somewhere...LOL... I heard him talking about it, I used to go all the time but with my current job I havent been able to go to a bike rally, in a long time. THAT will change too with this new job!
Stay safe!

I know! Sometimes its really quiet for a few days...its good to see you around again! I think everybody is either working or getting ready for school to start. I'm working on lesson plans for school but am in and out!
I haven't heard anything from Lindy or Dixie for a while...I've been wondering about her too!