Do you make other people fat?
Ok, since no one is awake to talk to me......I'm having to entertain myself. Damn, I need to get a hobby for these early mornings.....I could be doing my Cardio Striptease VIDEO, NAHHHH.
For the first few months after my WLS, I lost the desire to cook. At about 4 months out, I guess I got over that fear and the desire came back. I cook nearly every night. Now, Pam has gained 40 pounds and is blaming it on me. Now keep in mind, she's 47 years old (middle aged spread??), eats ALOT of chocolate.....but says because I don't eat 'hardly anything' that she feels like she has to eat more to keep from wasting food. I hardly eat anything reheated so if she doesn't eat it, it usually gets thrown out. I've tried to cook smaller portions and am getting better but coming from a large family (youngest of 6 kids).....I learned how to cook 'big meals'.
So the Dr. has checked her thyroid (normal), hormones (normal but she's had a hysterectomy), all blood work they could do, etc. She's only 4'11" tall and has had a growth hormone deficiency since childhood (but they didn't find it until after puberty and it was too late to treat it). Now by no means is she obese. I think she weighs maybe 155. A little chunky but not FAT. So last week, the Dr. put her on diet pills BUT she told the Dr. it's MY FAULT that she is gaining weight.....they had a great laugh at that (we have the same PCP).
Have any of you ever had anybody tell you when you were losing weight that you were making them fat? Should I just stop cooking? (That would go over like a lead balloon)
Rambling again,
No Kim, it's not your fault and you shouldn't stop cooking! Keep working on learning to cook for 2...I know its kinda hard. You could separate large packs of meat or poultry into what would be a serving the two of you. And then when you take it out of the freezer, its just enough.
I cook large meals too, but we both will eat leftovers so I separate it in half and put individual servings in the freezer. That way, when Mike goes out of town on business I've got some meals already prepared. I just defrost and reheat. I have not been cooking as much lately...I'm trying to get back into my routine of cooking mostly on the weekends and maybe a bit during the week, but it hasn't worked yet.
I was awake a good bit last night too...I should have gotten up and talked to you! I had a friend come over last night with a major problem, and we sat for hours talking and trying to look at her options. It got me pretty keyed up...and then on top of that I worked on some things for a time management workshop that I'm going to be teaching. Sometimes I have the hardest time making my brain stop when its time to go to sleep. I've learned to stop anything that may keep me keyed up normally about 2 hours before I go to bed, but crazy me wasn't ready to sleep at 9:00, so I got up and worked at the computer until after 11, so there is no telling what time I actually got to sleep. I think I probably dozed some but would continually wake myself up thinking about how to handle a certain problem or how to present things in a certain way.
Ok, so now who's rambling...

Nah, it isnt your fault. I cant cook for two either so I dont cook
I have no desire to cook and thought it was just me. I have to learn to cook for two, eating out is getting expensive, but on the other hand I dont buy groceries either, unless it is like milk, cereal, staples, etc... and I can make several meals out of what I order out which is usually egg drop soup, with some entree, or chicken salad with fresh fruit. My husband has never been a big eater or a 3 meal a day man so Ive never had to cook 3 meals, the kids could fix for themselves so I mainly would cook dinner and that would be it. Even today he will pick up what he wants for lunch, and dinner or cook it himself and I would prefer he stay out of my kitchen and go buy his dinner. When I stopped cooking, he gained weight
I think it is from eating out so much and making wrong choices but it wont hurt him at 6'2" he is finally up to 170 lbs from 150 when we married. I wish I had only gained 20 lbs in 26 years.
When I do cook, I buy my meat in bulk and seperate it into individual servings, one for me and 2 for him, that way I dont overcook, he likes to grill alot so that saves me from cooking much right now, then I fix a small salad and have a veggie and that is it. He will even eat whatever sweets I have made, like the Splenda cheesecake and he doesnt even know it has splenda in it
Now I save my big meal cooking for holidays only, when the kids come home or family comes over and I pack up all the leftovers and send them home with them.

Oh, yeah! I'm definitely making my hubby fat. What I don't finish on my plate I make him eat it. But then again, I guess he could always refuse. So I guess it's both our faults. I got upset with him not to long ago. Realized he was really getting a major 'beer' belly and he doesn't drink beer. I had read that when a man carries his weight here it is a precursor to diabetes and heart disease. So I told him that I didn't have this surgery to get healthy only to have him get unhealthy. So we are both working on him losing weight. Don't quit cooking. Your cooking is probably a lot healthier than take-out.