Does anybody know if you can start having symptoms of Alzheimers or Dementia as early as age 33? I'm having a lot of 'episodes' of absentmindedness. Carrying on conversations during the day that I can't recall the details of later. Yesterday I had a conversation with my Regional Manager and can't remember what the hell it was about.....I had to send him an email this morning saying, "sorry, call me blonde if you want but I can't remember what we talked about yesterday." I tried to play it off like I was extremely busy and he called at a bad time but ya'll I'm WORRIED about this. I have been under extreme stress with work but I CAN HANDLE stress. Is it possible that I am about to crack under the pressure? I dont really FEEL like I'm cracking......but this is happening more and more often and now Pam has noticed it too. I'm going to the DR next week but just wanted to get your thoughts.
This really scares me because my Mom died with brain cancer and I'm really scared.
Love ya'll

Ive cared for many, many, MANY alzheimer's patients and I think you are way too young. It can start in the late forties but Im not a doctor so here is the link to the National Alzheimer's Association. It might help calm your fears.
I have forgetfullness alot, and forget complete conversations too so we must be drinking the same water
It hasnt worried me yet because I know I work under tremendous stress! I know not sleeping well at night, and just getting through daily life plays a part in it too. There are drugs out there to improve memory, believe it or not. I know taking Ginko will help too. try not to worry and do get checked out. Let us know how your doing!
Love Ya!

Are you eating carbs? getting enough water? My doctor told me not to eat any carbs, but then I started having memory problems like you are describing. So I eat carbs everyday, now. I think he was
Sometimes I still have those moments, but I can always attribute it to not getting enough water or carbs.

I have problems with this too, but mainly when I am under a lot of stress, even if I think I am handling the stress well.
I have adult attention deficit disorder, so Adderall XR helped some. I haven't been taking it for a long time and would like to start again, but I think it's on the
list of drugs for after surgery, so it doesn't seem worth the effort to start taking it if I'm going to have to stop taking it. I'm not sure if Strattera is on the list of drugs not to take or not.
Anyway, the best person to tell you is the doctor, so have him check it out.
He may want to do some MRIs on your brain. They did on mine, which is when they found the cyst on my pituitary gland. They don't seem to worry about it much, but I feel that they should have taken it more seriously since the pituitary gland is tiny enough without having something on it.
But again, there's no way I would have known about the cyst if I hadn't had the MRI.
Take care of yourself. And let us know what the doctor says.
Love you,

Hi Kim!
I have to say that Gun Weildin' Babe (G) has a good point on the carb issue. Read this link on carbs...
Make sure you read it all the wau through as there is a section an carbs and brain function!