Better Late than Never!
Well, hello folks. I've been completely out of the loop for about 2 weeks now and I just got on my computer and thought that I would drop you all a little post and say hello.
Thursday was my 1 year anniversary (Gail's too) and I couldn't have been more excited. My weight has been steady at 144 lbs but I have been loosing inches. That I am excited about also. I had my check-up along with all the blood work and everything turned out just fine. I have an appointment set up for Aug. 5th to meet with Dr. Allison in Huntsville for a PS consult. We'll see how that goes.
Oh, I found a new love. Cappacino's (sp) but yet I don't like spending the $$ at the stores all the time. Anyone have any suggestions for a machine or anything that can help me out?
You all have a great day and I'll talk to you all soon. Take care.
Lots of love,
Hi Paige,
I've been out of the loop, too. I try to keep up with everyone's posts, but a lot of times I just don't have time to respond. Working the midnight shift sux!
Good luck on finding a cappucino machine. Thank goodness we don't have any coffee stores in my area or I'd probably be hooked, too.
Have a blessed Sunday,