Where IS everyone????
This board has been dead lately. Where is everyone???
The heat is KILLING me. I have sweated so much this weekend. I can't deal with hot weather, especially when it's THIS hot.
My dad was sick yesterday, but he's fine today, which is such a relief and blessing. I love that man so much. My mom called me yesterday acting like he was at death's door and that totally freaked me out, but when I went over there, he seemed okay. He just needs to eat more and he doesn't want to eat. If only _I_ had that problem.
I went to the grocery store and got everything I could find that I thought he might eat and he ate some chicken noodle soup and drank some gatorade and that made him feel better. My sister and I made him a milkshake today, a really big one. We figured he'd try to force down about 1/4 of it, but he drank the whole thing in about 5 minutes and said it was delicious. We put a bottle of Boost, about 4 scoops of chocolate chip ice cream and some chocolate syrup in it, so that was bound to have some calories in it. Of course, my mother had to taste it and would have drank the whole damned thing if we hadn't took it away from her. Geez, she's worried because he won't eat and then she's wanting to drink his milkshake. He only weighs 130 lbs., so he needs to eat, eat, eat.
I am still feeling really bad, but will go to the doctor with it soon if it doesn't get better. I'm still waiting on my insurance and have called them, but all they will tell me is that it's "pending." That's all those people know how to say...well, besides, "Denied."
Hope you are all doing okay.
Love ya'll and hope you are keeping cool,

Hi Joni,
I was wondering the same thing myself. This board has been quite literally dead. Maybe everyone is away for the weekend? Sorry to hear about your dad. I'll keep him in my prayers. Man, that milkshake sounds good. I might try that with my grandmother. She needs to eat, too, and hates Boost. Might be able to trick her with the milkshake. Hmmmmm, oh, the possibilities.
I was fixing to post myself. I have gained 5 pounds this week and it's really freaking me out! I don't know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I knew that I'd gain weight when I started working out, but I didn't figure it would happen this fast. 5 more pounds and I won't make the highway patrol's weight limit. Even though I am failing miserably, I'm trying to stay calm. I have a little less than a month before the test. Hopefully, I'll quit gaining and start losing again.
Oh, and there's no way to keep cool down here. We had a heat index yesterday of 115! Can you believe it? And the humidity is awful. Even at 3am in the morning it's hot or at least uncomfortably humid.
Miss you Joni,
Been working like a modern day slave, for a few pennies my employer throws my way every 2 weeks
I had to go in 2 hours early every day last week for my continuing education credits, I HAVE to have to renew my liscense in October. At least these are free and I dont have to pay for them. When I get in at 11 pm, I have been exhausted. the heat hasn't helped much either. I have one class on Thursday, I have to be there at 8 am. I am not a morning person, so that is going to be a rough day. Class until noon, then on to work
. I have today off only, so I plan to finish up my painting and cleaning, and have to get outside for a while, and do some yard work. I plan to take alot of breaks and already have a ice chest of water bottles cooling. You take care, and try to stay cool if you can!

Hey Joni! I've had an exhausting weekend and am still laying kinda low. I fell down the basement steps yesterday and I am EXTREMELY sore today. My right butt cheek is killing me
......makes it a little difficult to sit. I've been sweating buckets all weekend ....even with the a/c on. I've got to go see my pcp this week and will be talking to him about it .....i think it may be a side effect of my anti-d.
Sorry to hear about your Dad. I'm keeping him and you in my thoughts. I lit a candle for you yesterday because you were on my mind
Love you lots (and crossing my fingers for a quick approval)