Bad Luck
You know, I have a few people who are always sending me those stupid forwards with the "Send this to 10 people within 5 minutes or you will have bad luck for a year!"
I sit here in this apartment, sick as a dog, unable to do my basic stuff and feel like my life has gone straight to hell and here I get these things promising MORE bad luck????? I know it's supposed to be fun, fun, fun and cutesy pie and all that, but I think it's friggin RUDE to send stuff to someone who has a miserable life, predicting another year of bad luck! I am NOT going to forward them on to others because I don't know one single solitary soul in the whole world who likes these things. So when I get the crap, I want to just throttle the people who send them because I think, "So it's YOU who have sent me this bad luck!" I know they haven't, of course, but I do believe that what you send out to the universe comes back to you, so I don't think the vibes these things send are good.
I have one guy especially who sends me 10 or more forwards a day. I want to tell him to quit sending me the bad luck forwards, the religious forwards, the George Bush is great forwards....I hate that....ahem...individual. And that is my right. I don't push my beliefs on anyone and I don't want anyone pushing their beliefs on me. He can think any political figure he wants is great, but I don't want him cluttering up my email with all that crap. I could tell him to leave me off his stupid forwards list. However, he does send, on occasion, some of the funniest jokes I've ever heard. So if I tell him to quit sending me bad luck, I lose out on the good jokes. I don't think he censors any of his forwards. I just think he forwards everything he ever gets to every single person in his address list.
Anyway, I just needed to vent. I am getting sicker every damned day and when I read that I am going to have another year of bad luck if I don't intrude on 10 of my friends within 5 minutes, it just makes me madder than you can imagine. And I have enough stress! Dammit!
Ok, got that off my chest. Thanks for listening.
Love ya'll,
Whew, it's a good thing I don't get a throttlin' from you! I don't like those types of emails either, and I never even read them all the way through. I just delete and move on. But you are right, I never tell those people not to send them either, because every once in awhile there is that one email that makes you laugh out loud! Glad you vented Joni!

Yeah, those things annoy me too. Most of the time I see what it is and just delete it. It depends on who the person is as to whether or not I say anything about it. And too, the amount of stuff that they send me. Most of the time, those are few and far between for me. I've only had one person who just continually sent me crap...and I finally said...I love hearing from you, but please don't forward me any of that kind of stuff anymore. Good ideas I like...and funny stories I like, but please don't send me anymore of the "your head's gonna fall off if you don't do this in the next 5 minutes" stuff. And it worked! I still hear from her, not as much as I used to...but now its quality and not quantity.
Even with Mike, I've had to tell him...hey honey, thanks for thinking of me...but I really don't get anything out of those...please don't send them to me.
I love W, but we won't get into that,
Anyway, I hate those emails, too. I always delete them and nothing bad has happened, yet. When I first got email, I forwarded one of those things to a close relative. It had a cute story attached to it and I thought she was appreciate it. Hell no! She called and cursed me out and told me that I had probably made her have bad luck. I had no idea she was so superstitious. So now I don't send her anything unless it is a personal note from me. Just keep the delete button warm.