Sinus Infection (YUK) and ORLANDO BOUND!!!
Happy Thursday all! Well, I finally went to the doctor yesterday and was diagnosed with a sinus infection. I had been a little puny since Sunday and things had gotten gradually worse. So now, I have my own little arsenal of drugs to take...
I had forgotten how much I disliked antibiotics...
Mike got in yesterday from CO and he seems to have one too. He'll be heading to the Dr. this afternoon. He looks like he's a lot worse off than I am. But with his sinuses...he's always had a lot of problems. I'm just hoping that it won't ruin his trip.
We're heading out of town tomorrow. Mike has a conference in Orlando that he is presenting while he's working, I'm going to be either relaxing by the pool, may go to WDW, or if they launch the shuttle next week, I'll drive over and check it out.
We're both looking forward to breakfast on Sat. morning with Lindy, Dixie, and Teann. Then its on to Valdosta for the evening and on to Orlando the next morning.
I'm taking my laptop so I'll still be around some. Hope everyone has a great weekend...I know for some its going to be very busy...will miss you guys! Please send positive thoughts our way for a safe and enjoyable trip and that we both feel a little better each day!
Love you guys,

Dang sinus infections. I would like one day where I could breathe. I hate it, hate it, hate it. Decongestants help, but they have that danged law where you can only get two boxes of them a month now. They put your drivers license in their computer and if you attempt to buy a third box, you are reported to the local authorities so they can check you out and see if you have a meth lab. Never knew it was going to come to where having allergies and sinus infections was a federal crime.
I envy you getting to go to my Florida. Have a super time. Hope the weather is good. And drive safely!