on 7/25/05 8:16 am - Master of my Own Life
on 7/25/05 8:16 am - Master of my Own Life
Girl -- I could write a whole soap opera over the events that have transpired in the past couple of weeks! I think I've finally reached my boiling point and am in a "get it done" mode now!
My brother, the Locust Boy, pissed me off so bad that I rewrote my Will on Monday and did an "Absolute Exclusion" clause and will be moving NO LATER than the 1st of September. He's so pissed at me about the move (he's already 2.5 months behind on his house payment, everytime the utlities get cut off - I've paid out of pocket to turn them back on [only for him to go out and spend $600-700 on CRAP for his boat], the constant raiding of the fridge, the boundaries he keeps stepping all over, etc. -- I've had it!) that he's even blaming me that it's 110 degrees outside!
So now that I no longer have that "monkey on my back" things are looking much better on the home front for me (although very bleak for my brother, who will most likely go under within a couple of months of my leaving -- and I can't feel sorry for him since I've tried to help him and it's futile - he's dragging me down with him!)
Helmut left Thursday for New York and we've left things sort of up in the air. I want to travel, I want a great job, I want to explore -- he wants me up his ass in New York and I'm not sure I want to go there -- so that one is being played by the ear as well.
Finally cut the "friend" loose who stabbed me in the back... and let the "anger" baggage go as well... it wasn't doing me any good to dwell on it -- she actually did me a favor when I look at it in retrospect.
Been doing a lot of "spring cleaning" in my personal life. Getting rid of the baggage, deadbeats, and negativity. Still a bit down in the chops over the job front -- but discovered I didn't complete the online resume and have since corrected that -- so there's new hope.
Lots going on girl -- I feel like a nut case some days -- others not so bad!
I'm still around -- although not online here much (spending entirely too much time on and some other U.S. Department websites). I still have my heart set on getting paid to travel... now that would be the life!
Love ya girl -- drop a line or call anytime!