Happy Hump Day
Good Morning everybody! The board sure has been slow lately (hint, hint).......What's everybody doing??
I did the protein "feast" for 10 days......got on the scale this morning and STILL weigh 145
I'm TRYING to chalk it up to that time of the month.....but on a positive note, I ALMOST got a size 8 dress zipped this morning (if Pam had been home to force it, it would have zipped)
I'm not letting it get me too down, as I am still incredible happy with my results thus far......I just REALLY want to see 125 on the scale at least once
..... I'm going to give it a couple of days and keep on keeping on. I STILL haven't started exercising and I know that would help, so maybe I will get motivated to ride my bike or swim or have marathon sex
or SOMETHING to burn some calories.
Love you all

Hey Kim,
Yeah, I've been noticing how quiet the board has been lately too. It seems at times that it goes in spurts...it will be quiet for a while and then it will pick up again.
I'm doing great except for some sinus problems. Finally went to the doctor this morning because I haven't slept well for a couple of nights. Turns out I have a sinus infection so I have what seems like a truck load of medicine to take over the next 10 days.
I guess its really not all that much...I just don't hardly ever take anything so if feels like a lot. Anyway, decided to go on to the Dr. because I did NOT want to miss the trip to Orlando with the hubby! He's going on business, and I'm going on VACATION!
Hope your day is going great!
Love ya,