When Stressed Remember....
Good one! I was stressed all night at work, go into the med room on one ward and you see all these little childish notes left on the marker board, like clean up behind yourself, stock the med room, we are tired of not having anything to work with, etc.. I always stock my med room before I leave and I leave it like I want to find it when I come in to work. Clean, well stocked and ready to go. Today it was nasty, unstocked and a big mess and that infuriates me, so I took the RED marker and cleaned out a big spot on the center and wrote "Be a part of the solution, NOT the cause of the problem". It will go right ovet thier heads and no one will pay any attention and keep on being nasty like they have been doing but it sure made me feel better KNOWING I AM part of the solution and not the cause of the problem, and trying to set an example for others but they dont pay me any attention either but it is okay, because I know I make a difference.
Tomorrow, this goes up on the board too