Hi Everyone,
Ya'll are an enormous wealth of ideas and creativity. So I need ya'lls help. I really don't like my screen name. Can any of you help me? Joni, I loved the Fiery Flamingo....can you think of something that fits me? I mean, I just came up with this name trying to get back to ya'll and I just really don't like it! I'll always be my Oma's bumblebee, but heck, I'm 33. I want a grown-up, cool name.

You're welcome to the Fiery Flamingo since I don't use it anymore.
What about taking the names of some kind of horse, Florida Filly, Lady Gisela on Horseback (instead of Lady Godiva,) Palomino probably know more horse names than I do.
Or duck stuff since you like ducks...the Lucky Ducky, although that isn't particularly a grown-up name.
You love to read and you're a corrections officer....Book 'em.
I don't know. If I come up with anything else, I will let you know. I don't feel good and have a headache now, but will try to think of something more grownup.
Goddess With A Gun
Or something added to Tower since you get up in that tower....
Tower Power...
We'll come up with something and you can change it every day if you like...