Hey guys...I've decided to modify things on Tuesday. I got to thinking...instead of it being a potluck and everybody having to worry about what to fix or bring...why don't we just get together and instead of trying to plan a meal...everybody bring something they like to drink and a snack and it will be easy and we can focus on enjoying each other's company. I'll make some splenda iced tea and something like a chicken cream cheese log or dip. We'll say from 6:00 - 10:00, and if you want to come earlier...come on...just let me know. Or, if you need to come later...say 7 or 8, that's okay too.
Who's up for a good time? Oh, and if any of you out of towners want to can stay at my house! I have music students on Wed. morning but not until 8 am at the school!

Hey Becky, That sounds like a lot of fun!! I wish I could come. I have to be at work on Wednesday morning at 4:30 in the morning. That means I get up at 3pm. Tuesday is also my only day off next week so I being here with my hubby is very important. We hardly ever get to spend any time together cause we work opposite schedules most of the time. I am trying to find a sitter for the weekends so that we can have more time together, but haven't found a sitter yet. Anyway, you all have a blast. Maybe I can come to the next one.
Whoa! Hang on...I was just thinking...could everyone make it on Monday? I think its just you, me, Renee, and possibly Teresa right now...Mike and I are meeting Depsy and her hubby tonight to go to a movie...I thought I would invite her too. I just picked Tuesday kind of randomly...I don't care though, Monday is just as good for me!