I need to take a couple of dishes to my sister's birthday party on Friday nephew asked me to bring something and nobody ever turns him down...
Anyway, he said something about "since you love to cook." Well, he hasn't been paying attention or hasn't noticed, but I no longer cook. I can't stand on my feet long enough to cook anything and my kitchen isn't set up to where I can sit down in it and chop stuff, etc.
Anyway, I am going to have to go buy something and I don't want to just get ready-made potato salad and cole slaw...which is kind of what he mentioned. I used to make this KILLER potato salad and if he's expecting THAT and gets some ready-made crap....
They are getting chicken and pizzas and have ordered a birthday cake with an old woman with saggy boobs, etc. (It's my sister's 50th birthday, so we have to do the "Over the Hill" thing.)
Do any of you all know of something I could go get....brand names or places that have some good stuff that tastes good? It's gonna be all I can do to even do that because this week has been the worst for me pain-wise to date. I can hardly get out of bed to go to the restroom much less run all over town buying stuff. Going to Wal-Mart...oh my god, don't even mention it; my legs wouldn't even make it into the building.
It's going to be all I can do to drive to Sheffield and get my parents and then drive them to the other side of Florence to where my nephew lives and then drive them back to Sheffield and then drive myself back home. **** I can't even wrap my mind around that. But now I have to bring a dish too? I might could get my dad to make some cole slaw because he makes some really good cole slaw. I could probably get him to make the potato salad too, but I don't want to ask him to do anything. He mows his grass and was outside trimming the hedge on a stepladder the other day....even though I have forbade him to get on ladders. He's painted the brick at the bottom of the house. He gets around way better than I can, but he is 90 years old, so geez-louise, he shouldn't be doing ANYTHING like that. So technically, potato salad and cole slaw aren't that big a thing, but the thing is my nephew asked ME to make it.
Anyway, if ya'll know anything I could take, please email me and let me know. I used to collect recipes that are quick and the veggie casserole (drain a can of veggies, add a dollop of mayo and some shredded cheese, top with crushed crackers, dot with butter and bake....that sort of thing,) but even that is too much for me. And then I've got to transport it. It's just too much.
I'm stressing.
I hate being like this. I truly hate it. I am craving Burger King right now and can't get out of the damned house. I am tempted to call the girl across the hall and hire her out by the hour to go get me a whopper with cheese....dammit, I want two of them. But I haven't got enough cash on me and I can't send her to Burger King with a check. And she might not even be home, but I am just obsessing over Burger King right now.
I hate my life. Sheesh, I'm going to bed.
Thanks for listening to me whine. I am just SICK of this.
Love ya'll and I appreciate ya'll loving me although I don't see why you do since I am always miserable.
I really wish I lived closer to you so that I could help you out. I'm not sure about the potatoe salad and such. You might could find a good deli around where you live...maybe at an upscale grocery store..take it out of their container and put it in yours.
Don't you worry about being miserable...I am miserable too and I love you not matter what.
Do you have a diner close by that also does catering. You might could order a dish from there. We have several restaurants here like Picadillys, and such a diner, where you can call and order a large container of dressing, or green beans or a green bean salad, potato salad, etc... name me some places close by to where you will be heading. I know alot of take out dishes you could probably order if I know what is close by. I have a easy recipe for a microwave broccoli casserole but you arent cooking..let me rest my brain tonite will see what I can think of tomorrow..

Hey Joni! Screw it hon...just pick something up. I know that Bruno's has a good ready made potato salad. Next time if he asks and you're not up to cooking, I'd say, "I'm sorry, I'm just not up to cooking right now, I hope you understand." Let him know that you can pick up something and if he whines about it, laugh and tell him that he has a choice...either you will attend and bring something that you picked up, or you look forward to seeing him another time! And as far as nobody ever telling him no or turning him down...perhaps its time people started!
Its okay if he doesn't get his way all the time...its good for him...builds character!
Parents are gonna do what they do. I've learned with mine that I can make suggestions...hell, I can even tell them not to do something, but they are going to do what they want to do. One thing I know...without question...I get my perseverence/stubborness natually.
Hope today is a better day!

Hey Joni! Screw it hon...just pick something up. I know that Bruno's has a good ready made potato salad. Next time if he asks and you're not up to cooking, I'd say, "I'm sorry, I'm just not up to cooking right now, I hope you understand." Let him know that you can pick up something and if he whines about it, laugh and tell him that he has a choice...either you will attend and bring something that you picked up, or you look forward to seeing him another time! And as far as nobody ever telling him no or turning him down...perhaps its time people started!
Its okay if he doesn't get his way all the time...its good for him...builds character!
Parents are gonna do what they do. I've learned with mine that I can make suggestions...hell, I can even tell them not to do something, but they are going to do what they want to do. One thing I know...without question...I get my perseverence/stubborness natually.
Hope today is a better day!

Hey Honey! Sorry you are feeling rough. If I were closer I would bring you some Burger King (and a side of cheese dip
).....The Bruno's here have great pasta salads, potatoe salads, bean salads, chicken/tuna salads......I think Winn Dixie and Publix do to. Don't worry about it being "homemade". At least you are taking something!
Have you started hounding your insurance company yet??? Hope you feel better this morning