Hey Yall
I recently moved in with my gf and I'm on her comp, which I had to as Kim to send me the link back here...
thanks kim
hey yall, don't email my AOL account, if u do I won't get it
just email me at [email protected] if you are gonna
things have been crazy, been dealing with tons of stress and problems...
just wanted to check in on my sweeties 
how is everyone??

Hey Honey
(I love that dude).... Glad to see you back! Your new pic is sooo glamorous
I can't get anybody to help me get one up at all.....we need to get together again soon!
Drop me a line if you need ANYTHING....sorry to hear things are crazy right now......I think it's in the water.....or it might be this stupid unbearable heat (even I am hot....and I usually FREEZE)
See you soon!