Address List
Hi Eveyone!
Last year Dixie Dawn compiled an address list for all the members of the Bama Board. Being that there have been several that have moved we are going to update this list again. I told Jackie (Happy Girl) that I would send her the list I have. Do any of you who are already on the old list want to be taken off before I forward this to her? Let me know ASAP because I told her I would have her the list by Friday.
If you are not on this list and want to be added, please get this information to me as soon as possible. I will need your name, nickname you go by online, address, DOB, Anniversary, WLS date and email address. This information will be shared with everyone on the boards so if you want to add or remove yourself please let me know. If I do not hear from you one way or the other I will leave your name on the list so let me know ASAP.
The following names are who I already have on the list...
1 Abaied, Mela
2 Abernathy, Beverly
3 Abernathy, Glenn
4 Abernathy, Brenda
5 Aldrup, Renee
6 Alexander, Gail (Dakota Mom)
7 Alldredge, Jackie (Happy Girl)
8 Allred, Pat
9 Ashburn, Heather (Heather is Losin)
10 Baggett, Debbie (Spoiled Brat)
11 Bellamy, Rebecca
12 Bishop, Rebecca (BB)
13 Bishop, Dixie (Dixie Dawn)
14 Bostic, (Staci)
15 Bowen, Benita
16 Branscome, Joni (Joni Just Joni)
17 Brown, Christie
18 Brown, Ellen
19 Caraway, Sandy
20 Casey, Leann
21 Childers, Leigh
22 Coats, Renee (RedsDusty2)
23 Cooper, Ginger
24 Craig, Connie (BamaGrl2U)
25 Culpepper, Randall
26 *******s, Stephanie
27 Felts, Elle
28 Fisher, Ellie
29 Fowler, Irish (Ms. Pisces)
30 Garbe, Lindy (Dixie Chick)
31 Garry, Becky (Bulldog Lady)
32 Gautreau, Lisa (Lisa Gotro)
33 George, Beth
34 Godbold, Kristina
35 Guthrie, Mary Ann
36 Hahn, Carrie
37 Harrell, Marcus
38 Herring, Linda (Sweetie Pie)
39 Hillis, Sandy
40 Hurrelbrink, Beth
41 Jackson, Jeannie
42 Joiner, Dana
43 Jones, Dea
44 Knapp, Detra
45 Ledbetter, Susan
46 Lyles, Shannon (Shantamar)
47 Machur, Vanessa
48 Mapes, Mary
49 Markham, Mandy (PaperDaisyDog)
50 Maynard, Renee
51 McCoy, Janet
52 Melling, Denise (DM)
53 Mena, Amy
54 Merchant, Beth (Beth M)
55 Miller, Shelly
56 Nieghbors, Michelle
57 Parde, Sharon
58 Paul, Gisela (Gisellena)
59 Perry, Oreadia
60 Pruett, Diane (Pruetty Chic)
61 Rayborn, Jo Ellen (Joiee)
62 Reese, Pope Shondra Dionne (Shondra Reese)
63 Roberson, Jacque
64 Rotenberry, Wendy (Bama Girl)
65 Saint, Debbie (Almost Skinny)
66 Sewell, Lisa
67 Sloane, Kathy
68 Smith, Gwen
69 Sprinkle, Vicky
70 Stricklin, Regina (BamaGirl_37)
71 Styles, Susan (Susan S.)
72 Temple, Karen
73 Terry, Connie (Teal Rose)
74 Thomas, Delores (Dollie-Girl)
75 Truss, Tara
76 Vandenbusch, Pat
77 Walls, Lisa
78 Ware, Sue Ellen (Seren)
79 Washington, Courtney (Courtney Antoinette)
80 Weathers ,Tina
81 Webster, Mary "Louise"
82 Whitten, Carolyn
83 Yeager, Tammy
84 Youngblood, Christy