It sure has been quiet lately...where is everybody? I spent the day cleaning house...yeehaw whooopie!!
I'm going to have to be social soon...starting to get a little
So what is everybody up to? Come out, come out, wherever you are!!! Hey, anybody interested in either lunch or dinner out one night this week or next?

I know....it has been quiet lately. Is everyone out on a mission we don't know about?
Lunch would work for me if it's not on Wednesday. I have my doctor's appts. on Wednesdays. Maybe Jacquie would come with me. I haven't seen her on here lately....Jacquie???? You hiding out?????
Well, I will talk to ya'll later, but if anyone's out there, post so we will know you are still here with us!

I'm still recouperating from Saturday night!!!!!!
We sure missed everyone but trust me, we had enough fun for everyone!
It was so great to have Renee & her family here to spend the day with Lindy & her family and my family. Wish everyone could have been here but be on the lookout for another one in the near future!!!!!! (on or around July 23)
Love ya'll