Where is Everybody???
Did EVERYBODY go to the beach and forget about me???? I know Beth G is out of town......I saw Renee on this morning.....and Nil posted yesterday....I've seen Dixie and Lindy around......but where is Joni, Beth H, Becky, Jacquie, Paige, Heather, Gail, Teresa, Sandy, Teann, Staci?? Did I forget anybody??? (sorry if I did, but I haven't had my coffee this morning) ........ Come out come out my Sisters, I need you!!

I'm here. Sorry I haven't been very chatty lately. I went to the doctor yesterday and came home and crashed. Sometimes I get emails that need answering and I answer my emails, then there is no time for anything else. Ya'll know I can write a LOT, so if I answer 2-3 emails, that takes several hours.
It has been quiet on here lately.
Jacquie was at the park riding a train with her grandkids today and it's such a glorious day outside, so she's doing okay. She's supposed to come see me tomorrow! Yippie! I wish we all lived close and could visit more often.
Besides that, I do wish we would all post more often.
I've been thinking of you though and sending good thoughts about your job. Whatever happens, you will do wonderfully! Who knows? There might be something new on the horizon for you....or a winning lottery ticket or something!
I keep wishing for a winning lottery ticket, but then remember I live in Alabama....sigh.
We love you Kim!

Hey Kim,
Sorry I've been so quiet...my energy level has been real low for a couple of days for some reason, so after teaching music lessons, I've been just relaxing in the afternoons. I felt better this morning, so I got up and hit the gym early and decided to try to tackle the mess in our home office. It's a small room and it has both of our computers as well as computer repair supplies, books, Mike's collection of beer steins, some of my teaching reference materials...basically it has become a catch all!
I worked for about 4 hours on it before my energy ran out. You know how it is when you have something thats such a disaster area and you work and you work to weed through things and even after throwing out 2 or 3 garbage bags worth of crap you still can't tell a lot of difference, but you KNOW you've accomplished stuff. It can get pretty discouraging. I'd almost like to back a truck up and load it up and take it to the dump...lol Hubby would have a coniption (sp)!
Anyway...glad to hear from you and everybody else! I'll try to get better about posting.

Hey Becky! Sorry you are feeling tired! I can totally relate to the clutter issue. I MUST have organization in my life, but I married a packrat.....go figure. So the very worst arguments we've had have been about A) me throwing something stupid away that she was saving just in case or B) her refusing to throw something stupid away that she was saving just in case
...... I think back to my single days and I NEVER had clutter in my house , never had 8 piles of laundry in the basement floor like I do right now, never had piles of "stuff" everywhere......how in the world can I get her 'trained'???? I'm threatening to turn the basement into a laundy mat because of all the nearly dead washers/dryers/ refrigerator, etc......might not be a bad idea
hmmmm I could get the laundry done 3 times faster
Anyway, hope you are feeling better and back on the board soon

Hey Sandy
I hope you are feeling better soon! I miss you around here. I'm sure we will work all day tomorrow tying everything down to get ready to ride out the storms. We have a section in the basement that is prone to flooding so we will have to sandbag that area and hope for the best
Don't work too hard! See you around soon