I'm baaack from Cyber HELL!!!!!!
As you all know I have been having major computer problems. I have gotten two of them up and running so hopefully I'll be able to be online more these days (or nights).
Bad news is I lost everything on both computers, including alllllllllll of my email address books, soooooo please email me so I can start anew. I have missed everyone so much.
Who is coming Saturday???? I know Renee will be here. Anybody else brave enough to come? Remember, I have 11 dogs (mostly ankle biters) ha
Love ya'll
Well look who it is!!!!
Good to see you girl!
I thought we ran you off!
Just kidding!
I won't be there I gotta pack!
I am so ready to be in my new house! Only 25 more days!
Oh my email is: [email protected]