Anyone here ever take Xenical? A friend of mine told me she has taken it and it worked well for her.
I am just so sick of this weight. Sundays are just the worst. I get so hot and sweat so much and when I get home, I am just wiped out and every single Sunday of my life, I get home and, after doing my laundry, I have to hang up my clothes that I don't put in the dryer and it just about kills me and I am standing on my feet, hanging up my clothes and crying big heaving sobs because I am hurting so bad.
I simply cannot take this anymore. I cannot live like this. Something has to give.
If I get those damned papers from Aetna denying me AGAIN, I am going to have to do something. I can't live the way I'm living, not being able to get out of the house without just dying. I mean, I will appeal it as best I can, but there is no money here for an obesity lawyer. And my health has gone downhill so badly this past six months I have WASTED doing Aetna's stupid diet. If I can even get 50 lbs. off, that will help my health tremendously. And my hygiene issue...oh my god. It takes every bit of strength I have to take care of that and what if it gets to a point where I CAN'T?
So if anyone has any experience with this Xenical stuff, please let me know. Not that I can guarantee that my stupid doctor would prescribe it and I'm sure Aetna wouldn't cover it, but I have to do something and quickly or I am not going to survive this.
I took a few boxes to my storage facility after I left my parents house (I had been putting them in the car a little at a time) and I was carrying them into the little place one box at a time and my heart was beating so hard I was scared of stroking out and passing out dead right there on the concrete. I used small boxes, but it doesn't matter. I was sweating so badly that my eyes were burning and I couldn't even see. And my arms felt like ants were crawling over them and I was shaking. This is not good.
Anyway, enough whining. Just wondering if anyone has taken Xenical before.
I had another friend one time who took two different medications that helped her lose weight, but then they took one or both of them off the market. One of them was Buspar and the other one was something else...can't remember. I don't want to take anything dangerous, but hell, walking around in the heat at this weight is dangerous.
Ok, enough of this depressing drivel.
((((((((((Joni))))))))))) I love you girl. I wish I could just twitch my nose & grant your only wish!
Don't give up......
I have never tried Xenical, so I can't give you any thoughts on that.
I have a friend that was on it for awhile though, she didn't like it.
One day DD & I will get up there (down there-whatever, u know me & maps clash big time
) and help you out. We love you & we would do anything for you.
Oh, about your other wish..........I'm still working on getting Antonio & Melanie & that white cheese dip for YOU!!
Love ya,

Xenical and Merical are the only ones Ive NEVER taken. Drug of choice in this area is to order Phentermine, it has another name, just cant think of it (Adipex). It only worked for me short term when I had 37.5mg in the morning and 15mg at night. I was bouncing off the walls and I was taking this too when I lost the first 100 pounds years ago. At this dosage you cant help but loose weight, you cant be still, you cant sleep you cant do anything but MOVE anyway you can. In order to sleep I had to wear myself down to exhaustion so I mowed over a acre of grass daily with a push mower and that dropped the weight off ( along with no appetite from the pills).
Ive heard Xenical does cause diarrhea too, but Ive also heard it works. I was taking diet pills when I was going through my process with insurance, it may help to have a script for an appetite depressant along with the diet. Ask your pcp about it. Xenical is in the hundreds of dollars if I remember correctly. I paid 37.50 a month for Phentermine. My insurance didnt cover it.
Buspar is still on the market. I am still giving it to patients, it is for depression and some depression meds will have a side effect of weight loss or loss of appetite. Paxil is another one, although it didnt stop mine very well
I know how you feel and what your going through sweet Joni. Ive been there too and nothing I did seemed to help. It seemed to get worse. This is the hardest part of the process.....waiting it out and you will get through it. We all know diet pills do not work long term, but if makes you feel better, and it may help you to get off 50 pounds, then I say ask him for a script and see how it goes. I did loose with them, and when I saw a loss it did help with my depression and self esteem for a little while. It helped to have them while I went through the waiting process and I only stopped taking them 2 months before I got approval. Hang in there, it has to be over soon and you will get approved!

Hey Joni....I took Xenical years ago. It does make you have diarrhea, greasy diarrhea too. I remember when I took it that the toilet looked like I had poured poo colored cooking oil into the toilet. I had to clean the toilet every other day because it looked like a grease heap. (Sorry to be so graphic but that is literally how it looked). My stomach hurt all the time and I felt nauseated. It DID NOT work for me and it was VERY EXPENSIVE. I have never took Meridia. I'm not trying to discourage you about either because I totally understand how you are feeling. I worked all weekend and I am dying. I had a patient I was caring for with a type infection that you have to dress out from head to toe in gown, mask, gloves, shoe covers...talk about sweating like a fat hog...I hated it...packing his wound I gave myself a sweat bath. I just know things have got to look up for us girl. I hope that you hear from Aetna soon. I am sending good thoughts your way. I love you Joni and you deserve this surgery. I will be there for you 100%. I just wish I lived closer so I could help you more....I would love to be closer and take you to Wal Mart and do things together.
P.S. Thanks for your thoughts and help with my daughter....everything is going to be just fine. Love ya!!!
Hi Joni!
Oh, I tried Zenical years ago and it was horrible. If you take this drug, you better make sure you eat the right foods or you will be in a world of trouble. I ate a bad choice one time while on it, and I could not make it to the bathroom on time. Not pretty. Fortunately I was alone at the time and at home so no one ever had a clue. And Beth is right, you will have the nastiest poop in the world. Extremely greasy! (GROSS!!!) Not trying to be overly graphic here but there is no other way to decribe it. YUCK!!!! If you can take this medication and stay away from fatty foods I say try it but the one time you screw up just be prepared.
I don't know how much this stuff costs now but it was pretty darn expensive when I get it several several years ago. I was thinking it was like $80 for a 30 day supply (maybe more). My insurance company would not cover it back then and I don't know if they cover it now or not.