Updated List...
We just play when we feel like it. We know everyone's information now...except for those who haven't sent me their birthdays...hint, hint...
It's not like the secret pal lists where ONE person sends ONE person stuff.
On this list, if you feel like sending someone something, you can look on their information and see what they like. If someone is feeling down, you can look on their list and get their address and send them a FEEL BETTER! card. Or if you are cleaning out your closets and you see that you have a purple widget You don't want and you remember that someone on the list collects purple widgets, you just sent it to her with a "Hello! How are you?" note.
If you're at a yard sale and see a good luck charm for 25 cents, you think oh I remember someone on the list collects these! And then you get home and see that Kim and I both do, so you think hmmm, Kim is nicer than Joni so I'm going to send it to her!
Or maybe you see a photo of Brad Cotter in a magazine and you think "I've gotta make a copy of this and send it to Dixie AND Lindy because they'll fight over it." Or if you see some cute stationery, you remember that more than one person on the list likes stationery, but think...hmmm, which one of these people are in a bad mood and could use a pick me up?
There are no rules with this thing. You just do with it what you want to. You are under no obligation to send anyone anything and if you want to send one person 10 things and an occasional other person one thing on occasion, that's fine.
If I'm in a mental funk and forget someone's birthday, then there will be the rest of you to send the cards.
Basically, it's just that some of us love buying little presents at yard sales, discount stores, Wal-Mart, etc. and we all love each other so we wanted to get everyone's information so we could send little "stuff" if we felt like it. Since we know what everyone likes, we won't be sending people things they don't want...and we will know more about what they do want. If you see a candle that's heavily scented with vanilla, you will know that Dixie, Lindy and Gisella likes vanilla scents, Kim doesn't, Joni doesn't like ANYTHING scented, and Becky HATES vanilla. Whew! (You might want to carry the list with you when you go out and about because you aren't going to remember everything all at once.)
Anyway, I hope that explains it a bit. There are no rules. You just do with it what you want to.
Joni who knows if you see Antonio Banderas on the street covered in cheese dip that you will send him to me...although I'm sure someone from CNN, Entertainment Tonight and The Enquirer will beat you to it...

I still haven't received the list!! my email is [email protected] you try sending it to me again??