Pau it forward?
I don't see very many movies.....but this one struck me becaue it is somethng tha we ALL should do.................tell me how you pay it forward. In this ever changing and ever evolving world I am constantly looking for ways to pay it forward........I have one certain Loan Officer that has been a constance source of pain for every morning I make sure that he has his favorite Starbucks beverage on his desk when
he gets to work. What about you? How do you pay it forward?
Hmmmm, I want to be a constant source of pain for Kim....(my favorite is Vanilla Frappachino.)
I've never been to a real Starbucks place, but I LOVE those Vanilla Frappachinos at the grocery store, but geez, they are so expensive and they are so tiny! I want to drink about 10 of them at once!
I liked the book more than the movie. I love the concept even more than that!
When I first read the book, I did a lot of stuff...random acts of kindness. If I do anything big, and anyone asks me how they can pay me back, I always say, "Pay it forward."
However, I haven't done much lately and I don't feel right about it. I've just always been a "giver" and now I can't give as much as I would like and it really bothers me. But maybe everything will change when I have my surgery and I can go back to being a "giver." I'm trying to be more giving to myself these days, but it feels weird. I'm trying to learn that you have to be nice to yourself before you can be nice to others. However, I'm not doing too much nice for myself either.
Hmmm, I need to think about that.

on 6/30/05 2:36 pm - Master of my Own Life
on 6/30/05 2:36 pm - Master of my Own Life
There are a million ways that I pay forward kindness that I cannot return --
Every one of us has done it here on this website when we reached out to one another (especially when the going got rough)..
I'll pick up stranded car owners and drive them home if unable to help get them started (gas, a jump, etc.) - even if it is out of my way.
I've helped strangers strapped for cash -- even when it puts me in a pinch (as long as I have enough for gas until the next payday - I'd give someone the shirt off my back). I did this with a classmate several years ago (barely knew her) -- I was working 3 jobs during the Christmas holidays to buy gifts for my family -- this girl was dead broke, had 2 small children (1 in diapers - but out of those too), very little food, etc. and was stressing on how she was going to keep it together. I gave her some cash, bought some diapers, small Christmas trinkets for her children, enough food for her to make it through the week, and her Christmas dinner. When she insisted that she pay me back, I let her (as she could), but turned right around and spent the money on stuff I knew the kids needed (shoes, clothes, girly stuff, toys, whatever). I never expected anything in return -- however, I made a great friend out of a perfect stranger (and I still see and talk to her to this day).
I helped a friend of friend that I didn't know move out from a bad situation. Helped load boxes, trucks, and storage units -- then bought a couple of bottles of wine, sat back, and listened while she cried out her woes. She too is still a friend to this day.
I organized a group yard sale where the proceeds went to help pay for an online acquaintance's child to get medical attention (she was 18, no insurance, and the child had serious health problems). I organized a blanket donation to distribute to the homeless 3 winters in a row (and included food products when available). I've talked to the lonely, encouraged the discouraged, comforted the grieving, and loved the "unworthy." But sometimes, all it takes is a smile to "pay it forward."