4th of July
Not much of anything this year. My son lives in Maplesville and cant come home. My daughter will be doing her thing at her house, I have to work so I will probably just run down to one of the BBQ restaurants here and grab a plate on my way to work. I haven't eaten BBQ yet so not sure what I can tolerate and what I can't, so we will see what Scarlet (pouch) likes
I may just grill me some chicken shish kabobs Sunday and take left overs... decisions.....decisions. I KNOW I am going to make a sugar free cheesecake IF I can find the darn sugar free gingersnaps cookies. I haven't been able to find them so far around here.

Hey Kim!
Yeah, I found Maplesville about 6 years ago
.... Doing family research. My Dad's side of the family is from there, and I really need to go visit the cemetaries and see if I can find my ancestors (Ingram's and Ellis's). I love doing this kind of stuff. I found my husband's great great grandparents lived 2 houses down from my great great grandparents in the 1800's in Bibb County. That was just toooooo unreal. Im sure they knew each other and might have been friends for all we know. Have a HAPPY 4th girl!
Love Ya!

Ginger Snap Cheese Cake
1 box Murray S/F Ginger Snap Cookies
2 sm boxes Jello Cheese Cake pudding(sugar free)
2 cups Milk (CarbCountdown works wonderful and is added protein)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 block 1/3 less fat Cream Cheese (neufatchel cheese)
8 oz Cool Whip Free
Line small square glass pan with cookies. Mix pudding, milk, vanilla, and cream cheese well - add 8 oz cool whip - mix again. Pour over cookies. Crumble remaining cookies and toss on top - refrigerate 4 hours or overnite.
Im hitting one store I haven't checked before work to try to find these cookies, if not, I will just have to wing it with the regular ones and hope for the best

Sorry the trip to Canada didn't work out...but relaxing around the house always sounds good, especially if you don't get to do it much. Since you're also in the area, maybe a group of us can get together from time to time if you're interested. Renee and I had a great time on girls night...even though it was just the two of us!

Hey Becky! We aren't doing anything big after blowing it out in Biloxi a couple of weeks ago (I'm convinced that is when I picked up these 4 pounds that I can't get off
).....Going to a small get together with my best friend at the Jazz Cafe on Saturday afternoon and Sunday having the kids over to swim and I guess I'll grill something.....Monday, I HOPE to be lazy.
Ya'll have a safe trip!

Hey Kim! You know, I've decided that every so often we NEED to be lazy. We stay so busy that we need some down time where we don't really do anything. I've been reading a book on beating stress, and I've picked up some pointers that I will definitely be using when school gets started back. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

I'll be hibernating. I hate the 4th of July...bah humbug! If you have known me longer than 10 minutes, you know how I hate noise and this holiday makes me crazy because everyone within a 5 mile radius of me always gets outside and shoots off those danged noisy fireworks and then they yell and holler and I hate it.
When I lived in Florida and was still working, I had to sleep in the daytime and even though I was generally off for the 4th, I still had to sleep during the daytime for the two weeks before and a few days after the 4th. If they would just save it for the night of the 4th, but oh no, they shoot them all day long and all night long for weeks. The second they start selling them, my neighbors start stocking up. They've been shooting them off for a few days already here.
Will someone tell me please...WHAT is the POINT of shooting fireworks in the middle of a brilliantly sunshiny day??????
On the other hand, I got a few nice photos of the fireworks down at the river from my balcony last year. I wasn't FACING the fireworks, but by hanging off my balcony sort of, I could see the fireworks.
(Disclaimer: my balcony is concrete and comes up pretty high, so by "hanging off", I don't mean anything dangerous.)
Love ya'll and everyone have a good time! I think Nil/Perry/Traci is going to be having fireworks way better than we are!