Daughter wrecked...car is totaled.
Hey everyone...sorry I haven't posted much. My daughter had a wreck yesterday around 245 p.m. Thank goodness she is ok. She is sore, the seatbelt bruised her collar bone and chest and the air bad exploded in her face and busted her lip..but she is safe at home and I still have her. Her car is totalled....we are pretty sure. The whole front of it is caved in. She was on the clock for work driving from one Sonic to another to pick up some supplies and went to stop at a red light and her car wouldn't stop. She ran into a new Chevrolet Avalanche. The only damage was that one side of the back bumper fell off. I'm glad noone else was hurt. It has been a horrible day for us. Please everyone remember us in your thoughts and prayers....
Oh Beth,
So sorry to hear of this but very thankful she wasn't hurt. You know as well as I do, without seatbelts and airbags it could have been much worse. This is a daily worry since the day my children started driving. I think it is more nerve wracking than surving thier teen years but I just have to have faith the powers that be will take care of em. I will light a candle for you and your daughter. I KNOW it was a scary experience for her.
Love ya!
on 6/30/05 6:45 am - Master of my Own Life
on 6/30/05 6:45 am - Master of my Own Life
Glad she is okay -- and man I really need to step out of my "profession" because of all of the legal implications that ran through my head immediately as I read your message!!
I hope your nerves have settled some -- I'm sure you've been on pins and needles -- after all, she is your baby!
Best to you both - much love ~