I'm home...
I have been in the hospital since Sunday night, with pains in my back and abdomen, and my gall bladder was taken out yesterday morning, but first they did a EGD looking for ulcers and strictures, and everything in that dept was normal. I got home today around 1pm. I'm still heavily drugged, so I apologize in advance for spelling errors.
I'm going back to bed now, oh I also had a severe UTI on top of everything, ran temps at night ranging from 99-102 every single night I was in hospital.
The hospital messed up the orders each doc gave me, so I had only one bag of antibiotics, when I was supposed to have three and started the pill for my antibiotic this morning and the nurses screwed that up, didn't even get any until my mom went to the drugstore to get them filled, then, the nurses wouldn't let me eat, so I couldn't eat for three days at ALL was put on all liquids, however, my gall bladder surgeon and PCP both said I could eat solids as tolerated, but the nurses said NO FOOD....then they tried to force me to drink sugared juices and carbonated 7ups and all that crap, then they drugged me up day and night (loritab and demoral) and now I'm just upset and in pain. I'm at home now, resting, or trying to...
Sorry I couldn't update on this situatoin sooner, but glad I'm home now ::::::hugs::::::
Sorry I couldn't answer the phone Kim & Jaycee, but I have been (still am) groggy & drugged up... I had my cell phone off most of the time I was in the hospital... Thanks for concerns Love ya

Man, are we glad to hear from you! And MAD because of the poor care you received!
You get some good rest and take care of yourself. If you need anything, let us know and surely one of us can get it to you.
I was so worried about you.
Drugged up is a good thing to be though, so you enjoy that and we will talk to you when you wake up and feel like it.
Love you girl!
on 6/29/05 2:03 pm - Master of my Own Life
on 6/29/05 2:03 pm - Master of my Own Life
Good to see you back! Lots of questions about what happened to you -- now we know! I hope you get to feeling 100% again soon - and even if you got crappy care, at least you're still kicking! Take care of yourself and if I can do anything to help -- drop a line anytime!
Much love and lots of well wishes being sent your way ~
You ARE the emergency surgery. Bless your heart, I wish I had known I would have come by and checked on you! The care at DCH sucks big time, please let em have it when they ask you to fill out the questionaire they will send you. I had the same lousy experience there as you did. I was given sugared jello and they argued with me over my diet. Thank goodness Dr. Bilton's nurse walked in at that precise time and she set them straight. Let me guess, 5th floor, right?
Im glad to know you are now home at least, take it easy and I hope you recover quickly! Ive MISSED your smile and enthusiasm around here!

Awww I love EVERYONE OF YOU SWEET GALS ::::::::Hugz::::::::::
I do truly feel much better. Still groggy, and very sore, but my throats the biggest problem (light and tube/EGD). I have to hold my boobs with my left arm and hold my side with my right, and it's a funny sight LOL
I have a FULL weekend, pre-planned, despite this surgery and I'm determined to follow thru LOL I'm going to my best friends house tonight for card night LOL
My setback is not being able to have a "drink" LOL but that's ok.
Thanks again everyone
Love you all