I'm home....
I have been in the hospital since Sunday night, with pains in my back and abdomen, and my gall bladder was taken out yesterday morning, but first they did a EGD looking for ulcers and strictures, and everything in that dept was normal. I got home today around 1pm. I'm still heavily drugged, so I apologize in advance for spelling errors.
I'm going back to bed now, oh I also had a severe UTI on top of everything, ran temps at night ranging from 99-102 every single night I was in hospital.
The hospital messed up the orders each doc gave me, so I had only one bag of antibiotics, when I was supposed to have three and started the pill for my antibiotic this morning and the nurses screwed that up, didn't even get any until my mom went to the drugstore to get them filled, then, the nurses wouldn't let me eat, so I couldn't eat for three days at ALL was put on all liquids, however, my gall bladder surgeon and PCP both said I could eat solids as tolerated, but the nurses said NO FOOD....then they tried to force me to drink sugared juices and carbonated 7ups and all that crap, then they drugged me up day and night (loritab and demoral) and now I'm just upset and in pain. I'm at home now, resting, or trying to...
Sorry I couldn't update on this situatoin sooner, but glad I'm home now ::::::hugs::::::