Actually, he's on a pretty even keel most of the time. I'm definitely the more emotional one of the two of us. I know he's tired, and he's ready to just hang out and relax. I, on the other hand, had other things that I wanted to do...but they involved going out of town, and I knew he wasn't up for that. And as much as I hate to admit it...I really DO like getting my own way!

This, on top of the fact that I'm hormomonal and need to get out and be social, adds up to I am one potentially irritable witch right now.
I can compromise, and if its not something that's really important to me...its no big deal. But if it IS something that's important to me and I have to give in and don't get what I want...I end up sulking in the long run and get irritable and moody. I know in my head that I shouldn't be that way...but I'm a passionate person. I'm a scorpio...intense at times, passionate...assertive...but very loving and gentle.
Anyway...climbing down off the soapbox...have a great day Joni!
