on 6/24/05 12:41 am - Master of my Own Life
on 6/24/05 12:41 am - Master of my Own Life
I invited "Mom" ("Free Butterfly") to join us in this interest group forum. There is no way anyone could have a problem with her, she doesn't post to the message boards. If you don't love her as much as I do (when/if she posts here) - something is wrong with you!
You can find her profile at: -- encourage her to jump in!
Love you guys -

on 6/24/05 2:50 am - Master of my Own Life
on 6/24/05 2:50 am - Master of my Own Life
MOM!!!!!!!! Do you have any idea how much you have meant to me over the past 2 years!?! There's never been a week that I've not heard from you! Your constant emails and inquiries has meant so much to me and I do not think anyone in this world could have ever been more supportive of me than you have! You are my absolute favorite person from OH and I hope you know just how much I love you! You have been the best Mom anyone could ask for! Even though I am not true flesh and bone of your own - I thank you for loving me as if I were!
Renee is around here somewhere -- hopefully she'll stick her head out and say hello! (hint, hint Renee -- do you remember "Allison Smith"?)
Love you so much ~

Welcome Free Butterfly!!! We are happy to have you with us! I am Sandy, and right now half awake and half asleeep and leaving for work. I will get to know you in the days to come. Renee is out getting inked today and I cant wait to see the pics!
. Once again, welcome its nice to meet you!

Welcome Free Butterfly! We're so glad that you're here! I'm Becky...fairly new to the group myself...and neither pre op nor post op. I've been doing research into WLS, trying to decide if it is the right decision for me. At this point, I'm working on getting healthier in my body with better food choices and exercising...and I feel so much more positive than I ever have before...because I have a support system now...people who have been where I am and who know what its like to carry the weight physically and psychologically. One thing I will say about this group...they genuinely care! Looking forward to getting to know you better...

on 6/24/05 11:38 pm - Master of my Own Life
on 6/24/05 11:38 pm - Master of my Own Life
Joni -- Mom is not only a "friend" -- but an honest to goodness "Mom" to me... I met her online a week before my surgery and she took me under her wing from the very start! She was/is my "angel" on earth and has meant so much to me. Not only has she encouraged me, worried about me, sent words of praise, sympathy, and love - she's been there every step of the way. Mom is truly one of a kind and if you don't love her as much as I do once you get to know her, I'd be absolutely shocked! (And if you want to know where I get my "stunning good looks" - ask her to forward to you a picture -- she's as physically beautiful as she is spiritually!)
Love you back Joni -- how'd things go yesterday?