Happy Friday!
Good morning all! I hope everyone has had a great week and is looking forward to the weekend. Keep Joni in your thoughts today as she is traveling to the Dr. in Alabaster today and wasn't looking forward to the drive. I hope to meet up with her and Beth G for lunch today. Also, remember Beth H as she will be getting her test results today and find out if she is having surgery.
I got the 'official' word yesterday that I am going to take on an additional account at work that will require me to split my time between two offices and support about 30 more people in addition to the 25 I support now. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, to say the least. My self confidence has improved but I still struggle with self doubt and don't do good with change. I like the comfort of the familiar. I am trying to embrace this opportunity and make it a great and wonderful thing but that old "stinkin thinkin" is always there in the back of my mind. I wonder if that ever goes away or if there will always be that 'fat girl' inside? I'm going to try to regroup this weekend and get ready to start ramping up the new office next week and into July.
I'm just rambling, but thanks for listening

We all have to deal with negative self talk at times. You ARE a capable person...and you WILL be able to handle this! Look at what else in your life that you have conquered! Big thing that I have to remember to do is to look at things vertically and not in a big jumbled mess. Its easy to feel overwhelmed when you look at the daunting task before you. What I do, is make a prioritized list and then forget all the other crap while I'm dealing with the task at hand. Making a list allows me a feeling of accomplishment when I can cross something off my list. Sometimes I'll say, "Okay, I'm going to work for 1 hour on this task, and then spend and hour and a half on the next one." I'll usually reserve an hour during the course of the day to handle misc. issues that are not part of a big project.
CHIN UP Girlfriend...you're going to do great! Remember, you are QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE...MISTRESS OVER ALL THAT YOU SURVEY!
Have a good weekend!

on 6/24/05 1:58 am - Master of my Own Life
on 6/24/05 1:58 am - Master of my Own Life
You tickle me -- just think of the step outside of your "comfort zone" as temporary -- because you will grasp your footing and then you'll find your "comfort zone" has expanded! You'll be amazed when you look back how great a job you did in tackling it -- and I hope it encourages you to continue taking a few steps out of that comfort zone to expand your life, goals, and opportunities -- you DESERVE that!
When you see Joni today -- give her an extra hug for me! I know she can certainly use them right now! I love that girl -- and I wish I could fix all the wrongs in her world -- she's such a sweetheart!
Have a great day chic ~
You'll be just fine girlie, I know you will
You can handle this, just pace yourself, don't let that overwhelming feeling take over!
Thank you for remembering me. So far, its 11:33am and no word yet
You know how them people are, slower than Christmas
Might not hear nothin till Monday....
Love ya