Morning Ya'll
Good morning Sandy! i was up at 4 AM but not insomnia kicks in about 3-4 am EVERY morning. Sometimes I get up and cook or watch TV but usually I just lay there and meditate and try to get back to sleep until the alarm goes off at 6! I should get up and exercise but just can't get motivated
Hope you have a great Friday!

I'm up...and have been up since about 6:15, but this is the first time I've checked email, etc. this morning. Mike (dh) is coming home today...and I'm ready for him to be home. If he's gone for a short trip, I usually enjoy the break, but if its a week or more, I'm really glad when he gets home. Sometimes I think its strange...its just a matter of what you get used to...I lived alone for years...and even though it was lonely at times, I got used to it and I learned to enjoy my own company. Now, since we've been married, its like I've softened up!
I can tell a big difference when he's home for a while and then starts travelling vs. when he goes somewhere every couple of weeks or so. Anyway, hope everyone is having a great day!