I am just losing it this afternoon. I'm panicking about getting up before daylight and having to leave the house by 6am in the morning. And driving all that way to go through it all over again.
I know my insurance. I know they will deny me again. There is no doubt that they will deny me again. I read all these things about people being denied repeatedly with Aetna. I cannot afford to hire a lawyer to appeal it. These people call me to scream at me about my CPAP machine and I think there's a chance they will pay for WLS?
All I am doing is getting more in debt with all these co-pays.
The girl at Dr. Stahl's office said they had only had two people approved since OCTOBER. That's two people and those weren't Aetna. It makes me wonder if they are filling out the papers correctly.
I was going to write them a letter begging with them, pleading with them, but the way these people talk to me on the phone, they are not going to even READ a letter from me.
I am sick to my stomach, my hands are shaking. I need to take some Klonopin and go to bed, but if I do that, then I won't be able to sleep tonight and there I will be driving on no sleep.
I am looking forward to seeing Beth and Kim, but I am so depressed about this. Anything I have ever done in my life, from going to college to going to bartending school to ballroom dancing....anything I wanted to do has just blown up in my face. Marriages, jobs, everything. And here I am even entertaining the thought that some insurance company might approve something that costs this much?
I drive a 15 year old car. I sleep on a 54 year old mattress. I have never had anything in my life...well, other than my house in Florida, which was only 572 sq. feet to begin with, but which I have lost. And I think some STRANGER is going to say sure go ahead and have this surgery that costs this much? They don't want to pay for a CPAP machine, but they will pay for WLS? Who am I kidding?
People have been telling me things would get better for decades. Well, hello, why should 44 years of **** just suddenly turn into something other than **** **** is ****
Anyway, I am feeling pretty down right now and just needed to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening.
Oh Joni ((((((((((((come here and let me give you a BIG HUG)))))))))))))) We will get you there Girl. One way or another. I know it's terrifying and depressing but PLEASE believe in the powers that BE. I'm going home in just an hour or so and am going to light that candle of good gris gris for you and claim all the GLORY for you and for your LIFE. I believe that the SISTERS of all that is good and holy are looking out for you......and things will be exactly as they should be. I am so looking forward to walking on the beach with you and Sandy and Beth and Nil and ALL of us holding hands and SKIPPING in the sand (can you imagine????
) and giving thanks to all that came before and those that will follow in our footsteps. I BELIEVE IT JONI ..... and you can too. I love you and I am here when you need me. I am lifting you up NOW. We will overcome this......together.
Blessed be

on 6/23/05 7:25 am - Master of my Own Life
on 6/23/05 7:25 am - Master of my Own Life
(((((((((((((((((((JONI))))))))))))))))))))) I wi**** weren't the way it is -- and I'm thankful I did not have the struggles a lot of people have had getting approval. But that old addage - "that which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" sticks in mind! Stick to your guns... and if you'd like to move things along, write to the Department of Insurance (found in the bluebook of your local phone book) and cc: your insurance company on the letter. Typically a complaint to the State gets the insurance companies off their asses and more "willing" to help!
I cannot say that it is guaranteed to help - but it's worth a shot (and be sure to attach your documentation with your past appeals and correspondence with Aetna [which is the reason you SHOULD put your requests in writing and not use a telephone]).
I wish I knew what to do to help you honey -- know I'm here for you and I encourage you to keep up the fight -- you'll get there!
Much love ~
I know the feeling honey.....
All I can say to you is KEEP FIGHTING and KEEP HOPING. You are a WONDERFUL person who deserves this surgery just as much as ANYONE else who's had it or who is trying to get it...
Insurance is a *****
Always exhaust EVERY outlet, every option and every avenue, not once, not twice, but as many times as you can!
Appeal, fight and don't give up!
Love you
STOP right there GF... I KNOW what your feeling, I did the very same thing. I was kicked in the rear by my surgeons nurse who is a wonderful person and she just set me straight on it. Insurance companies would be stupid not to pay for this surgery. I am and will always remain positive and hopeful you will get your approval letter you so richly deserve!
When we dont know whats going on we can think of thousands of reasons why we might get turned down, MIGHT is the operative word. You do not know for sure, its just another part of the process we have to go through. Hold your head high, and for me, please keep in mind this is going to be approved. TRY to think positively, even tho you have heard horror stories on the surgery it hasnt stopped you from trying so ignore the insurance horror stories and keep right on trucking. Oh you just wait, I am gonna be the first to tell you I told you so, when YOU GET YOUR APPROVAL, and I will be rubbing it in every chance I get.
If it doesnt go through (I refuse to believe that until told otherwise) then TOGETHER we will come up with another plan, amd we will find another way to fight em. I wont leave you alone, wondering, I will help if we have to start a petition to Aetna or just camp out in their main office to talk to supervisors but Im not letting you give up. One way or another you are gonna be a loser! You hear me...
Love You!