update on me
Hey everybody (((((((BIG HUGS)))))))) for supporting me in this situation... THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Here's the update: So far, I'm still waiting to hear back from my PCP. When I went for the ultrasound, the nurse administering the u/s to me said that all my symptoms were typical of a GB attack, and the "lump" was probably excess scar tissue OR hernia...
That's all I know so far. I've managed to get down 1oz of mac n cheese and 1.5oz of chicken, but have to deal with getting majorly sick after, but that's what I have to do for now.
I just want to say again, I love everyone of you for supporting me. I hope that I can return the support with as much love
I'm so happy to have this "family" to turn to when times get rough, AND when I'm on cloud nine
I will update as soon as I find out more info...

I've been thinking about you all day Girlie! Let me know as soon as you hear about your test results! When my GB was attacking me so bad, sometimes I could only eat a couple of bites of something at a time and it might take me 3-4 hours to eat a full 3-4 oz of ANYTHING. Take it easy and listen to your body. Hopefully you will have some answers soon
Love you and let me know what I can do for you

Hi Beth,
It was great to hear your voice while ago. You sound great! Crossing my fingers all will turn out well for you. Im off to work so soak up some rays for me! I need to start going to the tanning bed. My supervisor said I look too pale, and keeps asking if I am all right
Catch up tonight,

It sure was great to talk to you, too...hope the blood tests come back normal for ya
Thanks to you and Kim for caring
and being so supportive, along with EVERYBODY on these boards!!!
Hopefully, i can find out something tomorrow. I just got off the phone with the nurse and they haven't received ANYTHING yet, not even my lab results *sigh* they took 2 vials of blood from me yesterday, and I think my potassiums' really low because usually it doesn't hurt, but yesterday I got a knot and then it bruised really ugly where they took blood, and it's sore today.....that's usually a sign to me (I've had so much trouble since last July with potassium---see my profile) that it is my potassium.
Well lovlies, I'm off to take a nap now
I just played around in the pool for about half hour then I laid out for an hour and whew that was soooooooothing
I will post more later