Missing Lindy and Dixie
Too early in the morning for me to shout, but I wanna whisper that I miss them both myself. I wish we would all start posting a lot! Of course....ALL....encompasses me and this is going to be a busy week for me what with going to Decatur today and B'ham on Friday. Ya'll pray my car makes it with all this driving.
Well, I need to leave in less than an hour and I still haven't gotten in the shower yet. It's so hard to
in the
Good thing my cords don't reach that far or I might try it.
Love ya'll and will talk to you later...don't know if it will be tonight or not. This will be a long day with Decatur and all, then I will have to watch my soaps on SoapNet tonight and it's Weds. so I have to watch Dancing With The Stars, and if I stay awake that long....there will be nothing of me left. Plus I have to get my stuff together to take to Dr. Stahl.