I'm Here
Hey everybody.....I am here. I am sorry I worried yall...I either had to work or it counted against me. The only way you are excused is if you are in the hospital. I still don't feel great, I'm trying to stay out of the heat and take the meds and feel better. The ER doc said it was probably pleurisy the way I was feeling. My foot is plantar fascitis. I was glad I went to the ER where I work, they were much more thorough than when I went before (to another hospital). Anyway, I go to my regular doc on Wednesday to follow up and I hope to be feeling good by then.
Thanks to Joni for calling and checking on me, that meant more to me than you know. My hubby told me about it first thing this morning and he's says you seem like a very nice person. I told him you were and that we are meeting for lunch Friday...yeah....I can't wait.
I have missed you guys while I was away at work. I will talk to you guys later.
SO good to hear from you! Thanks to your husband for falling for my "I'm a nice person" line.
I'm trying to get that rumor out.
Kim might be joining us for lunch....Kim?
We'll have a good time. Hopefully I will be in a good mood, depending on what they say at Dr. Stahl's. I'm having trouble getting everything straightened out with stuff. After all these months of going for my 6 months' diet, I called the PCP to make sure he was going to fax all my paperwork to Dr. Stahl like we've been talking about all these months. Well, I had to make a special trip to an office supply place to fax them a letter giving them authorization to fax the stuff to Dr. Stahl. Well, why are they just now figuring THAT one out? I called the pulmonologist to make sure he was faxing my info about the sleep apnea, etc. to them. I haven't heard back as to whether I will have to go give him an authorization form or not. It seems to me that when I go to a place to get something done, making it clear that it needs to be faxed to this place at this fax number, that someone might think about an authorization THEN.
The girl I talked to at Dr. Stahl's said they have only had TWO people approved since OCTOBER due to insurance troubles. Now THAT is not good news. I feel like I am going through all this for NOTHING.
Oh well, I won't get into all that. I've got a million things to do.
We have another big apartment inspection on Wednesday and I won't be here (I'll be in Decatur at the psychologist's) so I have to make sure the dishes are washed and things are clean and straightened up around here. Damn it. They're half-way there thanks to Jacquie though. THANKS JACQUIE!
Beth, you hang in there and take care of yourself! We love you!

You would think that the other doctors, like pulmonologists, pcp's, and the like would already know to work together with Dr. Stahl. I guess I was spoiled, all the specialists already knew to fax all my paperwork directly to my surgeon, then again, my surgeon gave me a piece of paper with recommendations on who I should choose so I just chose the ones on the paper. Turns out, they all knew the surgeons office would need the info asap, to go ahead with insurance so they went ahead and faxed it all to em.
May want to call em to be sure, I did have to sign authorization forms while I was in all those offices before they would fax my records to em. This surgeons office may only have 2 authorizations but I am seeing that Aetna is approving more and more than they did a few months ago, so hang in there just a little bit longer!