A couple of questions . . .
My sister is a registered nurse with over ten years experience and she has a responsible position with the county health department. I told her I was reading a book about WLS and asked her if she would ever consider having the surgery. She quickly told me that she would not because:
1) You can no longer have cokes
2) You cannot have bread
3) Some people are no longer able to absorb sufficient nutrients after the surgery and have to have weekly shots
Is this true? Or, is she misinformed?
As a rule, you can no longer have Cokes....one thing that freaks me because you know how I love my Coca-Colas. They say if you let a Diet Coke get flat, you can have them. The carbonation doesn't do good on your pouch. One man on the BB used to drink Cokes all day long and now he doesn't even want them. Your tastes change. On the other hand, I do know someone who can tolerate Mt. Dews, but I won't name any names to protect the innocent.
Only you will know if you can have bread of not. It is basically a no-no, but some people can tolerate things that others can't. It might make you sick. Mainly you need to get your protein in above all else. But bread is one thing you need to assume you are going to have to live without for the most part. After your surgery, after the time where you can't eat solid food, you can start having small portions of regular food, but you need to only eat one bite of something new at first to see how your pouch is going to take it. You need to chew it very, very well. If you don't get sick, you'll know your pouch can tolerate it. But still don't overdo it. The beauty of WLS is that, for the most part, you can't overdo it or you're going to get sick. But you do not want to be throwing up for a long time after the surgery, so just stick with the protein drinks or whatever the doctor tells you to do.
Most people take vitamins...preferably liquid or chewables. You HAVE TO take vitamins for the rest of your life because you do not absorb nutrients like a normal person. You may have to go take B12 shots though, although some people take liquid B12.
Read Lindy's profile. She has the pouch rules for dummies on there...I think. Anyway, she has a ton of information you'll need to know. Also, Teann's profile has a lot of stuff if you can dig back here on the older posts and find Teann. She's been feeling poorly lately, so hasn't posted much since you've been on board.
There is a world of information around here if you start reading everyone's profiles. Also, those two Carnie Wilson books have a lot of info in there as well. Oh, I meant to tell you. The first one...for some reason, it was put in there upside down, so when you open the first page and it's upside down, just turn it over and start from the back. I got a "blooper."
One thing about this board. Anything you want to know about WLS, if we don't know already, we know who does know and can find out.
Hey Jacquie! Getting ready to leave for my vacation
but wanted to check in real quick.......patiently waiting for my SO to get in gear
I drink 1 12 oz diet pepsi a day (most days) and my surgeon has no problem with it. I usually pour it over ice and it gets watered down and it takes me about 1-2 hours to drink it all. On a side note......and this is MY SURGEONS opinion only, he told me that he has studied the affects of carbonation on the pouch long term and he has not found any definative proof of harm.....with that said, he also says to do this test: open a coke in a bottle an put a latex balloon over the top of the bottle and watch what happens.
I CAN eat bread but usually don't because it fills me up too fast and there is not room for protein.....occasionally I will have a half bagel for breakfast and if I buy a sandwhich or hamburger, I will usually take the top bread off eat a few bites with the bottom bread and end up just eating the rest of the meat/cheese or whatever.
Malabsorbtion is a factor and you will have to take vitamins for the rest of your life BUT my blood work has been PERFECT since 3 months out. I take prenatal vitamins, b12, biotin (for hair loss), a stool softener, zantac and tums (for calcium)
Hope this helps!!

WOW! Joni, when did you get to be so smart?
See, this is why I wanted to be on this board. Look at Kim. Going on vacation and she still takes the time to respond to my post.
Then, there is the factor that there are not 5,000 people that are posting and I don't know them and they don't know me. At least I have the confidence that, with this group, I am getting useable information and no crap. Thank you.

I have been BRILLIANT for quite some time...you mean you just now noticed???
Another thing I just remembered. I have a big assed package of stuff the surgeon gave me that you are welcome to look at too. I've gotta call the surgeon tomorrow. They said the directions to the Alabaster office are on the package and they are NOT. Good thing I noticed this before I got on the interstate looking for the Alabaster office.
Well, I am off to lie down for a while. We did the Father's Day thing, I did my laundry, came home and hung my laundry up to dry (I don't put my clothing in the dryer.) So I am pretty much whupped.
I am going to lie down in my lovely bed with the fresh sheets that still haven't come off yet! WooHoo! I ALWAYS kick the sheets out the first night I change my sheets, so those fancy schmancy hospital corners thing you did was awesome! I slept better last night than I have in years! My CPAP even did better last night. I slept for almost FOUR hours! That NEVER happens! It's always 1-2 hours, maybe 3 if I'm lucky, but 4? Very nice! I slept 4 hours during my 3rd sleep study, but that's the only other time in years. So to get to sleep 4 hours last night was wonderful. Thank you again!
You're right. With this group, we don't need 5,000 people posting. We have such a diverse group that we know all there is to know among us...except how to get Aetna to behave.
Love ya'll,

You probably have all the answers that you need now, but here are more.......
1) My surgeon ASKS that we not have carbonated drinks ever again. Some docs say ok, some say NO. I personally cannot stand a carbonated drink anymore and to me, that is great. The carbonation HURTS me, I cannot burp like needed.
I have a FRIEND that can burp on command, so she can handle carbonation, but now prefers to drink non-carbonated drinks!!
As far as carbonation expanding the pouch--the jury is and will always be out on this one!.........I think as long as you CAN burp put the air bubbles, you are FINE, your pouch will not permanently stretch. If you can't, tehn naturally the pouch will expand and you will be uncomfortable.
2) Bread- my surgeon and nutritionist say no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes,EVER. Stay away from WHITE. They are simple carbs and will hinder loss. On the other hand, some are told LATER, when at goal, to add a limited amount in order to maintain weight. Also, these foods will SWELL in your pouch and can cause discomfort.
3) Malabsorbtion: TRUE. Distal vs. Proximal
First of all, there is no *best* version of the surgery.
I am PROXIMAL, meaning that I am approximantly 75cm bypassed.
My surgeon says that the reason he bypasses that amount as opposed to 100 or 150 cm for the fact that we absorb more nutrients. Some people say that proximals lose less of their excess weight or regain, but studies are not really showing that to be true.
So, YES, we ALL must take our vitamins for LIFE. I will ALWAYS supplement my protein with protein drinks/shakes. Protein is VITAL!!!!
Hope this helps!

Hey Jacquie!! I don't know if we have officially met or not, but I am Linda. I had my surgery on May 6th of 2004. It has been the best thing for me. And guess what, I drink carbonated beverages. I also eat breads. In fact I cannot drink milk now cause it upsets my stomach and water nauseates me. I have no problem drinking the diet cokes. I don't drink the real cokes, but just the diet. Bread I eat mostly toasted, but I do eat pizza (I cooked homemade pizza tonight), I still have standwiches and all. I eat pasta. I haven't really found anything that I cannot eat. I can have milk in foods I cook. Some doctors do not want you drinking carbonated beverages. I think you have to do what is best for you. I started out at 250 pounds in a size 22. Now I weigh 130 pounds and where a size 4/6. I have figured out that for me I wanted to try everything and if it made me sick I would not eat it again or try it again later sometime. You have to do what is best for you. Good luck and I am here for ya....
PS--For breakfast I had some fried potatoes (I love them and just had to have some leftovers) and some coffee
LUnch--well didn't really have lunch...I snacked on some chips.
Supper--I had a slice and half of cheese pizza (extra thin) and then I had some cookie that my kids baked and decorated for my hubby today. I plan on eating again before bedtime. I feel like I eat all day long . I just don't eat that much of it.
Im 12 weeks out today and havent even desired a coke or carbonated beverage just yet, so I havent felt the need to give in to that temptation. Living in the south, the one thing I will not give up is cornbread, I just have a bite or 2 now instead of a full erving of it, and I am satisfied, Ive even eaten a small biscuit with no problems except I couldnt eat it all. I dont do sandwiches, never did before so I do not miss bread alot but as long as I can have a bite here and there, I am satisfied. I started on sublingual B12 and Biotin, 3 months before surgery. My B12 level was high before surgery and it is still high so I dont have to do the shots, just pop a B12 under my tongue every morning. I do make sure I get in all vitamins and supplements before I get in all my food. I space it out through the day, and do more protein shakes with the vitamins because there just isnt enough room in my pouch for it all at one time. I do make sure I eat a full, solid meal at least once a day. I know Im suppose to do 3 a day right now, but Ive never been a breakfast or lunch person so it is hard to eat during the day for me, I am going to have to start learning to do a little food during the day, instead of just shakes. Its a learn as you go kinda thing for me. Hope this helps.