I NEVER thought....
Hello my fellow Alabama friends
I just wanted to come over an share something with you all if that's ok and say "Hello"
I hope today is going well for you.
Yesterday I was in the middle of working and my mom said I had some mail. I stopped what I was doing to go get the mail. It was a card. The address was to my maiden name. I couldn't figure out who would be sending me something in that name. The return name and address was not something I knew, so I opened it.
It was a beautiful card with the following put on it.
Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue consistently ~ Maya Angelou~
Wishing you the strength to meet the challenges you are facing and the courage to live each day to the fullest you possibly can.
Then this was personally wrote:
You may be wondering why you are getting this card. I know you probably don't remember me but I went to high school with you. I saw your story on some t.v.show, I don't even know the name. I can imagine things have been tough for you and I am sure I wasn't as nice to you as I should have been back then. I was inspired by your determination and courage and felt like I should let you know. I know God has a plan for your life and I hope you let Him use you. I wish you luck in your journey. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the good work! All the best to you and your husband. God Bless you."
When I read this it just really touched my heart for someone I went to school with to take the time to contact me and it made me feel good just knowing that it impacted someone in this manner. This was just like a weight lifted off me. I don't know how to explain how much this helped me. This whole experience of being on MTV and having WLS has changed how I feel about myself and others. I never regret all I've done. Knowing this I feel I can go to sleep even more tonight just knowing that I did make a difference. So it's been all worth it.
615/328/Healthy (-287lbs)

I've been meaning to email you myself. I saw part of the MTV show not long ago and just sat there crying through the whole thing. You gave me hope because of your mobility issues. When I had my appt. with the physical therapist, she at first didn't BELIEVE me that I was disabled, then she threw an ink pen on the floor and made me struggle to bend over and pick the pen up to "prove" to her that I was disabled. I guess she thought I walk with a walking cane because I think it looks sexy.
Then she was telling me I couldn't use my arms to get up out of the bed after surgery, that I have to use my legs. I told her my legs don't work like that and she said, rolling her eyes, "Well, they're gonna HAVE to."
I have been feeling like I was the only person in the world who would be having this surgery with leg problems, but your story gave me hope that I can somehow pull through it.
You have been an inspiration to me from the beginning, just by seeing you on the boards, but seeing you "in person" on the MTV thing just made you more "real" and gave me hope. I am having such a hard time with my insurance and since I'm on disability, I wonder if I'm even going to be able to pay all the co-pays, which are already breaking me up and overwhelming me. So I am depressed ALL the time over this...knowing that this surgery is the ONLY thing that can save my life and knowing I have THE insurance that gives more trouble than ANY for WLS. So I am going through all this not knowing if I am going to reach my goal or not. Sometimes I want to give up. But thinking of you and that TV show tells me that I should never give up. I might die first (which would thrill Aetna to death) but I will not give up while I still have breath in my body.
And part of my determination is due to you.