Original Post by Carolyn ~ at 11:02 AM CST on 06/17/2005
Alabama, AL
Is is possible to require validation of e-mail accounts to those who have profiles on Obesity Help?
For example--Graceaga Alerteyes who is posting to this forum under a
false profile, has a false e-mail address listed in their profile.
In knowing who this individual is--or being almost 100% positive as to their identity, their agenda is clear. If the moderator's need a direction to look in order to identify this individual, please contact me and I will
point you in the right direction...
So--this individual comes here to post and then has a fake e-mail address so that no one can reply to them individually. E-mail is a much
better tool for replies in order to keep some of the confusion off the boards but when people are creating false personas and using false or
invalid e-mail addresses it removes this possiblity.
What possible agenda could one have if they are posting under a false email and profile, other than to try to cause problems and confusion without accepting responsibility for their actions?
Just curious about the possibility of validating e-mails when profiles are created.
The best way to deal with C~ is to ignore her. Totally and completely. She thrives on controversy.
If no one would reply to her posts, she would have to stop. Simple as that.
I used to reply to her when she would attack me, but that only made her attack me more and send me hate mail to my personal email, so I learned to just let it go. There is NOTHING you can do with C~. She is the way she is and that's the way she's gonna be...unless everyone ignores her when she starts attacking. If she gets ignored when she's attacking, she might learn that she needs to be NICE.
I quit posting on the BB. I was not allowed to post there without being attacked, either on the board or through personal emails. I tried to stay because there are so many wonderful people on there. However, it's like that W. C. Fields quote..."If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. But then sense making a damned fool of yourself."
So I don't post on the BB.
If I want to get all stressed out, all I have to do is call my mother or look at my financial situation or get on the scales. I don't need another stress in my life, which is why I left the BB.
I wish everyone, when you get the urge to go post on the BB, would think, "Man, I bet Joni would love to hear from me," and would, instead, post here on our board or send me an email.
If you'd rather spend time with C~, that's your call, but I need you more than she needs you. And she does need you. She needs people to attack and every time we post on the BB, she gets more ammunition.
So please....let's just leave her alone.
Love ya'll,
on 6/19/05 10:44 am - Master of my Own Life
on 6/19/05 10:44 am - Master of my Own Life