Quick Update
OK, My internet has been really screwey the past week or so but the cable guy was out yesterday and will be back today (did i mention he was HOT) to rework our connections. I am using dial up right now and it is faster than my cable connection is right now... go figure!
Dylan is back with us for the time being. Layla is also here and we are still hoping for them to move in with us. (FYI Layla is my step-daughter & Dylan is our grandson that we had the better part of 8 weeks now).
Lindy & I are going to see Gisela Friday night and we are getting so psyched up about it! I can't wait!!!! We are going to stay with her Friday night and we are all going to Slocomb's Tomato Festival Saturday to see Brad Cotter who won Nashville Star last year and is from Opelika. We met some really great people at the last concert we went to and they will all be there Saturday so we are excited to see them as well. You can check out a couple of Brad Cotter websites if interested..... www.bcfansite.com (where you'll see pics of me & Lindy and some others with Brad (WHO IS HOTTER THAN THE CABLE GUY) and Brad's website is www.bradcotter.net. bcfansite.com was built by a girl that we met from Chicago and she will be in Slocomb Saturday too!!!
OK, enough about that. Even with my computer problems, I have been keeping up with most everything and I hope all are doing well. Beth, how are you feeling? Kim, I hope ya'll have fun in Biloxi; Paige, good to see you posting too girlie; Gail, congrats on your house; Traci, sure you can't go this weekend? Sandy, save me some of those peanut butter ice cream thingies; Jaycee, thank you for enlightening us; Joni, I MISS YOU; Becky L, keep these gals inline Friday night; Teresa, where are you? Beth H, *MUAH* Grace, are you behaving? LOL Gisela, SEE YOU SOON; Lindy, ummm... what can I say about Lindy....
I love you girl and will talk to you as soon as you wake up; OK, I know i"ve left someone out so Just let me say I LOVE YOU ALL & HAVE BEEN MISSING YA'LL BUNCHES!!!
Teann had to go to the doctor yesterday and they have scheduled her for an MRI next week. Please keep her in your thoughts & email her if ya'll get a chance to let her know we are all thinking about her!!
LOVE YOU ALL and hope to be back up and running SOON!!!!!!!

Hi Dixie!
Great to see you! I do hope you guys have a great time this weekend! I know the 3 of you will have a blast! Hug Lindy and Gisela for me and I hope I can get up with you guys soon! Hug Dylan for me too! (((((Huugggss to you as well!)))))
Thanks for the congrats on my house! I can't sleep until we close on it! We close on the 30th of June and won't move in until sometime in July possible August. The family we are purchasing from has not found themselfs a house yet and we still have to get our house on the market!

Simple! Get THAT family to buy YOUR old house!
If only life were that simple, huh? If they say anything about wanting to buy a house in Tampa....
Man, now THAT would be a miracle...for someone to come out of the woodwork and buy MY house. That would save my butt.
I am SO HAPPY for you! There is NOTHING like the joy of buying a house!
Love you,