Girls night still on Friday...RSVPs needed!
Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days...I'm out of town but will be returning to Huntsville today. Yes, we are still doing the girls night on Friday night at my place in Huntsville. Please let me know if you are planning to come and if you'd rather grill or just potluck! I'm thinking of making my famous chicken pesto fettucini with stir fried veggies...what do y'all think?
Plan to come on out and have a good time...whether its for 2 hours or 12!
LOL @ you Becky! I'm Dixie, ME ME ME!
I am and always will be Dixie Dawn but I did change my name to Chunky Dunkin and also Redneck Woman (the night Gretchen Wilson won her awards at the Music awards). I guess I will always be a Redneck Woman too come to think of it but I do hope to be able to "Skinny Dip" one day instead of "Chunky Dunk"
Hope ya'll have a great time Friday night!

We're going to bring whatever you like. I'll be doing the chicken pesto fettucini and will have iced tea sweetened with splenda along with some munchies...if there's anything specific that you want to drink besides iced tea or bottled water...please feel free to bring it!
As for have mail.