True Story...
I found this on my machine at the office, and I had to share it with you! Some of you may remember this!
For those of you who have had bad days, read this... (True story it happened to me today- August 31, 2004! Gail)
Well everything started out normal thing morning, I got Dakota feed, made myself a scrambled egg and sat down to eat it when I noticed Dakota waving something in the air and laughing. Well I looked over to see what it was and low and behold it was a half eaten mouse. YIKES! I jumped up scrambled eggs when everywhere. (I guess you can guess that the cat was all over that!) I ran to Dakota and somehow managed to get this mouse out of his hands. (Of course I was gagging the whole time). Dakota didn't want to let go so it was not an easy struggle. I finally managed to get him to let it go and it hit the floor. I ran to the kitchen sink and washed him off and stripped him down and then sat him in his walker- butt naked of course and went after this dead mouse. YUCK! Somehow I got that thing off the floor and went out side and disposed of it. (Of course still gagging the whole time!) Okay step one down. I went to check on Dakota because I left him in the walker and he was cold and proceeded to tinkle in the walker. Okay step two...another bath for Dakota. I scrubbed him from head to toe. Step three...vacuum the living room four times. Steps four...clean off the ottoman where I think the cat left this darn mouse. Steps five...vacuum the living room again. Steps six...clean the ottoman again. Step seven...not real sure if I cleaned Dakota well enough so I get baby wipes and wipe him down again. Finally starting to settle down a bit so I decide to take my liquid vitamin. No real good on an empty stomach. And remember this is all before 7 am. I took a shower and proceeded to get ready for work when Sally shows up. No harm, no foul, stuff happens, right? I am trying to laugh my way through this. Well I get to work at 9 am to find out the secretary quit and I really needed her today because it is my Fiscal year end at the office and I am going to be locked in my office all day running reports and boxing old stuff up. What a way to start the day. I feel gross still after handling this mouse even after the shower and now I don't have a secretary. Tell me this is all a dream. I am laughing though, trying to be a good sport about it. The cat is now MIA and I definitely want to string her up by her teeth but I guess I will get over that too. Of well sorry for the long post but I needed to vent. .
"Mental postive attitude, mental postive attitude!"
Man, that cat truly loved you! Nothing says lovin' like a half of a mouse!
Do you still have the cat?
Sounds like you had a fun morning! LOL
When I have times like that, I try to think....well, as bad as this is, it will make a good story in about a week.
Ah, cats.
Glad it wasn't THIS morning. LOL
Love you,
I still have the cat! I love her to death but I don't like what she brings into the house! She has a little doggie door so she can get in and out on her own! Here lately I am chasing lizzards down to get them out of the house. She thinks she is bringing me a gift, but she is only bringing me headaches!

poor thing, I woulda FREAKED big time with the mouse thing. I cant even stand those tree roaches that sometimes find there way into the house. It is very rare but wehn I spot one, I FREAK. I sprayed one with a can of Easy Off Oven Cleaner till it could no longer move...YUCK!
I hope those days are few and far between!