Blood Clots?
I gotta question bout blood clots. I know the first 3 months they are most likely to occur. I came home last night with the most intense, incredible pain in my left calf, left knee reigon. I elevated my leg, took some Ultram and still it didnt stop the pain. I slept off and on and it is hard to even get up off the
, hard to walk, kinda feels like a popping sensation in the knee. I havent done anything to injure myself I am aware of. There is no swelling, no tightness, no redness, no edema in my feet or ankles, just pain in the back of the knee area, where blood clots tend to form and in the calf.
My dad had a history of DVT's (blood clots) I have never had one but now this worries me. If it continues I am going to leave work and go to the ER. Im just wondering if a person could have a blood clot and NOT have the edema, swelling, tightness I have seen associated with them?

I have NO medical license hehe
But what I've encountered, is when the fat is being released from your muscles and skin and nerves, it releases the bundles of nerves in your body that have been smooshed up by the fat...make sense
I think that's what is going on but if you are uncertain CALL the dr asap...ok?

Hey Elspeth! I don't really know about blood clots BUT in my experience, I found that I will have joint pain as my weight loss causes my body mass to 'redistribute' to areas where it is supposed to be. Does that make any sense? Dr. Dewitt says it's common that WLS patients complain about "new Pain" in areas that they didn't hurt before surgery. Maybe a knee brace will help??