OMG finally!!! I've been stuck between 151 and 156 for a month and finally for the second day in a row I weigh 149 pounds
This is so incredible!! I am in love with Dr. Dewitt
The size medium linen pants that I bought at Target 2 weeks ago are TOO BIG for me today!!! It's amazing how5-6 pounds now makes me loose a whole size. I've always "heard" other women talk about gaining 5 pounds and their pants being too tight......so I guess it works the other way too huh??
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I sure did! We had a few people over Saturday to swim and Finally I got in the pool for a little while .....and it sure was COLD
The coolest part about that day was that I wore a bikini top and cutoff shorts and was COMPLETELY COMFORTABLE. Now these were only my closest girlfriends.....3 of which have had WLS and 1 that is doing the 6 month diet, so I don't know that I would wear a bikini top around "normal" people and be comfortable, but for one day in my life, I felt NORMAL. We took a lot of pics and I will try to get them soon from my friends and put them up! We also got a new grill last weekend and used it for the first time yesterday.....Chicken and Steak. I sliced a Vidalia onion and squash and zuccinni, put it in a grill basket and it was SOOO yummy! I love veggies now. It's amazing how I've developed other tastes since WLS.....Most days, I PREFER steamed broccilli over fried potatoes....go figure.....and ya'll, I LOVED fried potatoes!!
BTW, Birmingham hosts it's annual Gay Pride festivities this weekend. There will be a parade Saturday night on Southside and Sunday- pride in the park at Rushton Park.......usually it is a blast! A lot of entertainment and festivities! If anyone will be close to BHAM, come on out and SUPPORT DIVERSITY in it's finest example
Drop me a line if interested in coming and I will send you directions, etc!
Love yall!

I lack the ability to throw up since WLS.......for real. I've tried at times because I felt so sick......but no success. I'm a weirdo, I know
Did you send that text message to my Blackberry phone # or my regular cell #??? I'm so not smart about this text crap........I guess that explains the Auburn thing!!