Is it just me?
I had a friend ask me yesterday "What do you pay for rent?"
Is it just me, or is that rude? I would NEVER ask someone what they pay in rent. I think that is so personal. I told her, but I wish I hadn't. I wish I had told her "Why would you ask such a personal question?"
My mother is always making insinuations and hinting around trying to find out what everyone makes, what they pay for things, and I've had other people do the same thing, but I don't think it's anyone's business what I make or how much my rent is.
I know a lot of people who say they care for me make comments that show they just DESPISE me for being on disability. My sister has said, "I wish I could just sit on my ass and draw a paycheck."
It makes me feel so awful. On the other hand, I'm not going to go live under a bridge and give up my disability because it makes people uncomfortable.
Part of me wants to just tell people I sell things on Ebay and that I'm not on disability anymore. But I don't want to have to lie. But dang it, I am so friggin' sick of people nosing in my business.
Even when I was working, I thought it was the ultimate in rudeness and low class for anyone to ask me how much money I made or how much rent I pay.
Why would anyone ask me such a question????
Thanks for listening. I just needed to vent. I always feel worse on Wal-Mart days because of the treatment I get there. Today I got there and had to wait for 30 minutes for a wheelchair and then an older man came in needing one and they gave HIM the wheelchair and I had to wait another 15 minutes for another one. I was thinking "I waited 30 minutes for a wheelchair and then they give it to some MAN who just happened to walk in." I was going to complain, but the girl just took off. I guess since he was old, they felt he deserved it more than me. Or maybe it was because he was a man or maybe they didn't like fat people. Who knows?
I know ya'll get tired of my whining, but I am just sick to death of being treated like a second class citizen because I'm disabled AND because I'm fat.
Ok, enough of that.
yeppers that is very rude in my book. I know we do discuss this at work sometimes but most of us are looking for cheaper places to live that we can afford. Im not going anywhere, I dont care how much my rent goes up I love this house. I will just look for a better paying job to keep it
Maybe next spring, I will be looking for one to buy unless I can talk the owner out of selling me this one which is a possibility.
Our world does discriminate against those who are obese or disabled no matter how you look at it, they need a reality check which probably wont do a bit of good but if your like me you can at least have the satisfaction of saying what is on your mind.

Hi Joni!
You are totally right! It is extremely rude to ask someone how much money they make and how much their rent is. I guess some people just don't know any better, well that is what I am hoping for anyway!
I thought of you yesterday as I was in Walmart. I was getting bottled water myself and thought of you. I was wondering what brand you liked and how I could get some to you so you would not have to deal with all the rude people in Walmart.
As far as the girl and the wheelchair, I would have said something. You were waiting on it so you should have gotten it first. There was no reason for that girl to do that to you! I would call down there and complain.
Like Heather says, You are definately 1st Class in my book!