Hi! I was asleep, but must've heard the word "tequila" so here I am!
I love that song, but it reminds me of that scene in one of my favorite movies PRACTICAL MAGIC, so if it stays in my head, I will just remember that scene with them getting drunk with the aunties.
I wanna go see BEWITCHED! I love Nicole Kidman and I love witchy stuff!
Sorry about your essay. Some days you're the windshield and some days you're the bug. But at least you're in school while some of us dropped out, so you're still ahead of the game!
Here's some love and I will drink a margarita in your name!
Love you,

You're UP and KICKING!!!!!
Man I wished I could have a margarita, too ::::::::wahhhhhh::::::::
Did you have a good day?
I wanna go see Bewitched TOO!!!!
I love Charmed, vampire movies, Practical Magic, Sabrina, ALL the witchy stuff too, guess I'm a SICKO huh? lmfao

OH girlie your gonna do just fine with exams, have one for me too. Tequila used to be my drink of choice. Havent touched the stuff in over a year now but would love a frozen Maragrita from Red Lobster right now! They are the bomb! I wanna go see Bewitched too!!!!! Finishing up my water, listening to the rain pour down and hitting the
, nitey nite all!