Quote of the Whenever
By Marsha Sinetar.
We are healed to the extent that we love ourselves as we are right now--blemishes, vulnerabilities and all--not as we wish we will be at some time in the distant future.
Since I don't seem to be getting a quote up every day, I guess it will always be the quote of the whenever. Ya'll bear with me.
Anyway, this one is a good one for WLS people, mainly me. I am trying to love myself, warts and all. I don't want to wait until I have WLS and reach my goal and have plastic surgery and get my finances in order and write a best-selling novel and get another motorhome and do Antonio Banderas right there in front of Melanie Griffith or reach all my goals in life.
I wanna love myself now. And I do a lot better than I used to. I love myself more now than I did when I was young and thin and SHOULD HAVE LOVED MYSELF. I want to heal myself, inside and out. I've always tried to work on the outside so others would love me. Now I wanna work on my inside so _I_ will love me.
Besides, what's not to love?
Love ya'll,
Joni who keeps saying she's going to bed and does not...