Added photos to my profile....
Hi Pretty Girl! Thank you for sharing! I love them! I'm envious of the red hair too. I was a friend of L'Oreal's myself at one time.
L 'Oreal Feria - Copper Shimmer. It was just about as red as they come. I loved it! I keep saying I may do it again when I reach my goal weight, but dang it took a lot of trouble. I had to do it every single week or I had those blond roots. And it took FOREVER to get my natural color back. So I don't know if I will ever do it again or not...maybe the temp color, but that permanent stuff? I've dropped out of college 5 times, had about 50 jobs and two husbands, a gazillion boyfriends...I am NOT about commitment! So going red again....I don't think so. But it was so pretty!
I need to do some yahoo photo albums myself. Think I'll do that someday when I'm older and energetic.