Thanks Perry and Gail!
Thanks for the posts you posted on the Bama board trying to take up for us. I see that Carolyn~ had to chime in and that she is sending Gail mail. I hope she doesn't bash you too bad, Gail. I had to block her email from my mailbox because of the hate mail.
That was the thing with the Bama Board. There are so many people on there I wanted to keep in contact with, but every time I would post something, Carolyn~ would respond in a negative way and no one would take up for me. Oh, a few of you did, which is why you are on this list now.
However, it's always the same, if you read the rest of the replies to that thread. It always come down to my being wrong and them being perfect.
He ended the thread with stating that people left of their own free will and nothing that happened on their fine board.
I wish I had kept every email C~ sent me and forwarded it to the moderators. But I was so shocked and disgusted, I would delete them.
I have never seen anyone so pure evil....well, yes I have, but it's so amazing how someone can be so evil and the people who are so used to just saying Yes Sir and No Ma'am will think they just hung the moon.
I have had a rough life, horrible and tragic at times, but you know, it made me THINK, it made me see how people react under pressure. It made me question things. I don't just meet someone and think oh they are in this group, so they must be terrific and I will trust them.
No, people have to earn my trust. I can't say I am always right on the money, because I was wrong about a few people on the other board, but I knew what C~ was from the minute she started in on people.
However, no matter what I did, or who I supported on the list, the fact that I was not the correct religion for their likings made me a pariah. One person asked me about my religion and I told her and she said that was perfectly cool, she was just fine with it...until she trotted to "the others" who judged me and found me guilty. I'm sure they are very saddened by the fact that it is no longer legal to burn witches at the stake.
Anyway, Gail, I hope her personal email to you isn't too vile. I couldn't believe that she posted like your post was in support of hers.
I think the post was strictly about me because I'm the one who just left.
I can't believe Randall put that dictionary explanation about what support is, like Perry wasn't aware of what it meant.
I love Perry's definition of when someone you may not like is in trouble, you reach down your hand to help them. Churches are always pretending that this is the way they behave, but it is not. Which is why I stopped going to them. And I am in no way bashing Christianity here. I know we have several on this board who are Christians who SHOW THE SPIRIT OF TRUE CHRISTIANITY. But there are few who do.
Oddly, Randall and I had had several discussions off board about how I really was impressed with the way he lived his Christianity instead of shoving it in ones face or belittling people. He was always full of love and list. But that post yesterday showed he was probably laughing in my face and running to tell the others.
Oh well. I hate that we keep having to discuss the BB on this list but it just goes to show the reason we have this list. The people on this list only have ONE face, not the two-faced faces some may have.
Anyway, again, I am so glad you all are here to help support each other.
My surgery will be here...someday...and I am going to need love, support and information. Hopefully this list will still be here.
I'm struggling with the exercise part of my "duty" to the insurance company. I put myself in danger of falling or hurting my knees more every time I try to walk or exercise. I have put more damage to my health in these last 6 months of waiting and jumping through hoops for the insurance. I only hope I don't have to have both knees replaced due to this wait, but I imagine I will. But what can I do? The insurance holds the cards....and the money.
I keep worrying about not being able to pay the copays from the surgery.
That's all I do is worry. I know worry isn't any good for you, but knowing that this surgery is the only thing that will save my life and it all depends on whether the insurance bothers to look at the papers instead of just stamping "Denied" on them like the first time they were sent in.
Michael C. had said he would help me with the appeal letter, etc. but I don't know whether he will still do that or not since he is on the BB and may have his loyalty there. He's from California, and I know some of the bickering has made him sick to his stomach, but he does live there and he may not want to risk his place on there.
But, I have you all and I have ideas from Teann's profile about the letter to the insurance, so maybe things will go well.
I do worry about the fact that I have not lost any weight on my 6 months diet. I know they will say something about it even though it does prove that diets do not work.
I try to keep my spirits up and then I get knocked down by something that post from my former friend Randall...sigh.
I guess that post was his way of saying, "Oh yeah, I know I pretended to be your friend, but I want to publicly acknowledge that I am not."
I'm sure Carolyn~ has been praying for my departure and she's jumping up and down in joy that her prayers was answered and the troublemaker (meaning me) has left and she has found victory in her faith.
Ok, I am going to hush now. I need to quit dwelling about it, but there are stages of grief and I do grieve for all the friends that I had on that board who shun me now. I still find it hard to wrap my mind around the fact that a SUPPORT GROUP has so much bickering. I was a member of another support group here in town years ago and there was one woman on there who made my life a living hell until I finally gave up and left the group. She did that to all the women in the group. She, according to the others, wanted to be the only woman in the group and wouldn't rest until she ran all the women off, which, when I left, she had succeeded in doing. It's just crazy though that someone would get into a support group for all the wrong reasons and then the people who need the support can't get it.
But again, thank you all for sticking with me and with each other.

The best thing that has come to me through the BB, even though I rarely felt like I belonged there, has been this place and You. I so totally relate to you and your writings and just the way you think. There is no doubt in my mind that i've met a lifelong Friend in you.
You talk about WHATEVER you need to WHENEVER you need to.....that's why we are here!
Love you honey!