South Beach Cereal
If you like Shredded Wheat, then you will love South Beach's new cold cereal. Toasted Wheats with Cinnamon is alot like shredded wheat. 6gm protein and I added carb countdown milk to give it a little more. It hit the spot this morning. I added a few blueberries and a sprinkle of splenda. It is a nice change to have cold cereal again

I got some of that! It is good to snack on too, besides using it as cereal. I got mine at Publix in Decatur, but surely Wal-Mart would have it since they have other South Beach stuff. I also got some organic cereal called Heritage O's. It doesn't have a lot of taste, but it helps me to keep my mind off other stuff.
I have always seen myself as one of those hippy type organic people who go around wearing organic clothing, long flowing skirts, etc. A tree hugger. But having this eating disorder keeps me from being the "passionate visionary" I want to be. I can't have a Save the Rainforest t-shirt on and be sitting there gorging on porterhouse steak, even if I could fit into the booths at Outback.
So I want to be able to get my body to match my personality.
Anyway, thanks for mentioning the cereal. Every good product I can try... If I can just find an organic cereal I love as much as I love cheeseburgers.
Joni who could eat 2 cheeseburgers as we speak, but is nibbling on crackers and skim milk.