As promised, I've been taking pictures all weekend and got some really cute ones too......I get on the computer trying to figure out how to upload, knock the camera in the floor and broke the power button. It is permanently stuck inside the case and I had to take the batteries out to even get the power off!!! I'm so sad over this! I hope it can be fixed. Anybody know where I can take it??
Has everybody had a great weekend? Mine's been kind of hectic. We had pop in company show up about 2:30 yesterday and stay until 11:00 last night. So of course, being the gracious host that I am, I had to cook dinner for 6 people. Dont get me wrong, it was nice to see them, but am I the only person that was raised to call before you "pop In"?? Call me weird but maybe it's my pet peeve. So I am STILL doing laundry due to the interuption in my schedule yesterday. I've marinated some chicken to throw on the grill later, made some scalloped potatoes, squash casserole and about to make a salad.....I guess I'm hungry today! I'm about to go weed the flower bed and try to get some sun! Talk to you all later.
So sorry about your camera. Hopefully you can get it fixed. I don't know who would fix it.
My weekend has been uneventful...which is just the way I like it.
That's a LONG visit. Man, even if they'd told you they were coming, that's a long visit. I have that pet peeve too. It infuriates me if someone shows up without calling first. That is so rude. Sometimes I don't even go to the door if I'm not expecting anyone. I used to have friends who would just show up at 2am, banging on the door. I wouldn't go to the door and they would actually come around to my BEDROOM WINDOW and bang on the door, screaming, "We know you're in there. Open up!" I mean, geez, have some class! Got rid of those friends.
I used to have another friend who would call me...not to come over, but just to call. If I wasn't at home or was on the internet...and didn't know the phone was ringing, then I would get home or off the internet and check my voice mail messages....NOT an answering machine....VOICE MAIL. My friend would be screaming, "PICK UP THE GODDAMNED PHONE!!!! I KNOW YOU'RE HOME!!!!!! PICK UP THE PHONE, DAMN IT!!!!! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!!!!!!! PICK UP THE PHONE RIGHT NOW"
I tried to explain voice mail to her, and she HAS voice mail, so I don't know what her deal was...well, she did have that little drug problem, but still....again, HAVE SOME CLASS!
I have another friend who has a family (not even her family) who just "pop in" almost every night right about dinnertime and expect to be fed, then they leave, not even offering to help with the dishes or anything. They have a small child who runs wild, getting everything dirty and the mother just sits there ignoring him. I keep telling me friend, "You're a better woman than I would be."
If I WERE going to just pop in on someone, I think it would be YOU though...chicken, potatoes, squash, salad. Sounds good!

Silly! LOL I know you would call first. But after reading that, I'll bet you ARE glad you didn't pop in. LOL
There are a couple of people I feel free to drop in on, but they are the type of people who WANT people to drop in on them, but it's only one friend and my parents. That's one thing about my parents. No matter how mad they make me or how they belittle me once I'm there, if I just show up unannounced, they are happy to see me...probably tired of looking at each other!
Love you,

Hey Kim! I thought this was going to be some funny post about you breaking your camera taking somebody's picture! LOL
Sorry you broke your camera. I have been w/o mine for a few months now and I MISS IT VERY MUCH!!!!!!! I have to depend on Lindy to take all my pics for me and she is so AWESOME about getting them to me. She even burned Dylan (my grandson)'s Birthday pictures and pictures from the Brad Cotter Fest on a disc for me!! She is so good to me!
What kind of camera do you have? Where did you get it? and How long have you had it? If you haven't had it very long take it back where you bought it from. Another option is contacting the manufacturer directly.
When I'm hungry I now know whose house to pop in on if you're gonna cook like that. Now you done gone and made me hungry!