35 Gm Protein!
Yesterday I went shopping at my local health food store/restaurant. They have the absolutely BEST healthy grilled salmon you could ever want to eat, among other things on the menu.. It was too crowded to stay and eat and run to work so I was checking out the meat department and I found OSTRICH FILLETS! It looked just like a ribeye sitting there, I have never heard of eating Ostrich, turned the package over and it has 35 gm protein per serving ( which is one fillet) and no fat. I may go back and try this at some point if I can find a recipe to use it in. Im just curious if anyone else has come across this food find or another unusual item that is high in protein?
You could google Ostrich and see how to cook it or get on the Food Channel website and do a search and see how Emeril cooks it.
Or you could ask the health food store people how to cook it.
Dang, that reminds me I was going to go to the health food store today. They'd probably be closing by the time I got there, but maybe not....
Of course, they will have closed and opened up again if I keep staying on this computer!
Did it taste like chicken?
I have had fried alligator and yup, it was just like chicken just a little sweeter...This makes me wonder how much protein is in deer. I will have to look it up. I do know ground turkey has around 23 gm's, so I have been using ground turkey instead of ground beef in my recipes..